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"What are you going to do now, Yunlan? You saw Xiao Wei, you heard him crying. He is obviously in love with you. I don't know why he refuses to accept it"

"I don't know Xiao Zhan, I had decided to completely give up on him but, now I am confused. I have no idea what I should do"

We sat in the cafeteria after Yibo excused himself to be with Shen Wei. We were in deep thoughts when suddenly Xiao Zhan banged the table and startled him.

"What are you doing Xiao Zhan? You gave me a heart attack...."

"I just got an amazing idea...."

"What?" Yunlan questioned curiously.

"Do you remember the incident in our final year of High school?"

Yunlan knit his eyebrows and recalled what Xiao Zhan was pointing to "Sorry, I don't recall anything....which one are you talking about?"

"Do you remember your stalker???"

Yunlan trembled "Don't even remind me of that incident Xiao Zhan. I still get goosebumps..."

"Yeahh...me too....but do you remember Xiao Wei's reaction ...?? He was so protective of you. He did not leave your side even for a second. He was even following you to the bathroom. When he got to know the stalker even followed you home, he decided to stay at your house to keep an eye out for that stalker........Yunlan what I saw in Wei that day was protectiveness and jealousy. He was making a claim as if you were his. Don't you remember the time he confronted the stalker. He even kissed you to prove the point to the stalker that you guys are together. He has already been in love with you and was feeling possessive."

"Was that what it was? But....he said he was just helping his friend. If it was someone else than me, he would have done the same"

"He would have done the same if it were others too .....but I don't think he would have kissed them to prove the point."

" ........what are you suggesting then?"

"Let's make him jealous....."

"What? How?"

"You need to be in a relationship with someone..... "

"WHAT? I can't do that. You know I still love Shen Wei. I can't imagine being with someone else other than him"

"I know that ......I was asking you to be in a fake relationship, just to make him jealous and claim you back."

"What if he doesn't claim be back?"

"Then just break up with the guy. Its a fake relationship anyways. No loss to you ..."

"But where will I find someone who will be in a fake relationship with me?"

"I will find a perfect guy for you. You do not have to worry about it"

"Why should it be a guy?"

"Xiao Wei knows you are not interested in a girl. If we want to make this real ....then do it real ..."

"But.....what if ....."

"No buts and ifs .....we are doing it. I won't hear no for an answer. I will inform Yibo about it too....we are there for you don't worry. I am sure this time, Shen Wei won't be able to control himself. You see.....the wall that he built around him has a tiny crack now. We just have to break his wall and he will come running to you."

Yunlan sighed "I am not sure if this will be successful or not ...but ....I will trust you this time ..."

"Leave it to me ..." Xiao Zhan said with a smirk.
Xiao Zhan walked into the classroom and headed straight for Shen Wei who was sitting near the window lost in his world.

I Will Never Love You Again Where stories live. Discover now