Chapter Three

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Kate twirled the stem of her wine glass between her fingers. The ruby liquid danced in the delicate crystal, a tempest swirling within its confines. The Pinot Noir that Addie had brought was bold and assertive on the palate, with lovely undertones of cherry and a hint of oak.

"Earthy, with a touch of spice," Jules observed, her nose practically dipping into the bowl of her glass as she inhaled deeply. "Reminds me of someone we know."

"Spicy and complex? Do tell," Kate replied, quirking an eyebrow, her voice laced with amusement.

"Obviously, our dear Kate," Addie quipped, winking at Jules across the table. "Though, I'd say more peppery than spicy—you have that unexpected kick."

"Peppery, huh?" Kate chuckled, letting the flavors linger on her tongue before taking another sip. "I guess I do have my moments."

"Moments?" Jules laughed. "You turn life's lemons into limoncello. You're resilience personified."

"Resilience... or stubbornness?" Kate pondered aloud, a playful tilt to her lips. But her gaze drifted beyond the confines of her cozy living room, momentarily caught in a web of memories that seemed ever-present.

"Hey," Addie said softly, following Kate's distant look. "You okay?"

"Of course," Kate replied, snapping back to the now with a long sigh. "Just thinking about Jason for a second. He loved a good Pinot."

"Let's drink to Jason's memory, then," Jules raised her glass slightly, her voice tinged with respect. "And to new beginnings."

"To new beginnings," Kate echoed, allowing herself that brief nod to the past before firmly anchoring herself in the present. Her friends were right; it was time to embrace the future, even if it meant stumbling through the awkward dance of online dating.

"And if this doesn't work, we've got your back. I mean, who needs a man when you've got great wine and the world's best backup dancers?" Addie gestured toward the makeshift dance floor they'd cleared earlier in the living room.

"True," Kate agreed, the warmth from the wine seeping into her veins, emboldening her spirit. "But a little flirtation can't hurt me. I'm horribly out of practice."

"Flirt away, my dear. Just don't mention knitting or cat adopting," Jules teased.

"Aw come on! Cats are so adorable! And cat sweaters, even better." Kate mused aloud, standing with a fluid motion. She extended her hand toward her friends. "Shall we dance?"

"Absolutely!" Addie proclaimed, accepting the invitation with a flourish.

As they moved to the rhythm of an upbeat 90's song, the room spun lightly around Kate, the blend of laughter and music a balm to her soul. She'd weathered storms, yes, but now she wanted to dance in the rain, her heart light and open to whatever twist of fate—or swipe of her finger—might come next.


The laughter from their impromptu dance party was still hovering in the air when Kate's phone buzzed with a reminder, the screen illuminating the photo of her late husband. It was the anniversary of the day they'd met—painfully ironic, considering the conversation about moving on she'd just had. But as she glanced at his smiling face, Kate felt not the anticipated pang of sorrow, but a gentle nudge.

"Everything okay?" Addie's voice cut through Kate's reverie, concern lacing her tone.

"More than okay," Kate answered, fingers brushing the screen before locking the phone. She tucked it back into her purse with care, a small act of acknowledgment and farewell. "It's time I stopped living in the past."

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