Chapter 8: The Coronation Ceremony of the New King

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In the villa's first floor, after finishing two large bowls of egg-fried rice and a big bowl of mung bean soup, Li Nianlong put down his chopsticks. Seeing Nalan Ruyue watching him with a mix of tension and anticipation, he nodded. "It was very delicious."
"Mmm..." Nalan Ruyue revealed a relieved smile and signed, indicating with her hands that with more ingredients, she could prepare an even better meal after shopping in the afternoon.
"..." Li Nianlong paused for a moment and handed over his phone. "I can't read it, use the contacts instead!"
After lunch, Nalan Ruyue tidied up the table and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Li Nianlong brewed a pot of Bamboo Leaf Green tea and sat in the living room watching television, where the live broadcast of the coronation ceremony of China's new king was underway.
China was a constitutional monarchy, with the royal family holding the highest status and serving as a spiritual symbol of the nation. However, the military and political powers were decentralized, currently held by the Ten Great Families. Yet, the Long family, as both the royal family and the first among the Ten, still controlled a significant portion of the country's military and political power to prevent the other nine families from causing instability.
The succession of the throne occurred when the current king voluntarily abdicated, acknowledging his health and energy were no longer suitable. The successor had to be a member of the royal family, meaning only a descendant of the Long family was qualified.
The selection process mirrored ancient dynasties, favoring the eldest son of the primary wife as the first in line. If the king had no offspring, the choice would fall on his brothers or the eldest son of his brothers. However, if the king had no known offspring but had an illegitimate child, that child became the first in line, which was the primary reason why Long Zongheng wanted Li Nianlong dead.
Long Zongheng feared Li Nianlong would kill him to claim the throne, especially since Long Qingyun had no other sons besides Long Zongheng.
On screen, a tall and robust middle-aged man dressed in magnificent robes strode along the red carpet and eventually ascended the high platform. Following the master of ceremonies' introduction, a glittering crown was placed on his head, and he received the Jade Seal of State, symbolizing the supreme authority of China, from the previous king.
The Jade Seal of State, also known as the Imperial Seal or National Treasure, was commissioned by Emperor Qin Shi Huang for successive emperors. It was a square seal, four inches in each side, topped with five interlocking dragons. Its positive was engraved with eight characters written by Li Si, "Receiving the Mandate of Heaven, May the Emperor Live Long and Prosper," serving as a token of divine authority and legitimacy.
Subsequently, every emperor saw possessing this seal as a sign of heaven's endorsement and treated it as a precious treasure, the ultimate symbol of national power. Lack of the seal implied the ruler's mandate had ended, leading to ridicule as a "whiteboard emperor" and disdain. Thus, those aspiring to the throne fought over it, causing the seal to change hands numerous times across 2000 years in China. A century ago, it fell into the hands of the Long family, solidifying their position as the royal family.
Since becoming royalty, China's fortune flourished. Over a hundred years of development, they now ruled over East Asia and Southeast Asia, boasting the world's largest land area and population. The country's full name was the People's Republic of China, internationally abbreviated as Huáguó, while domestically referred to as Zhōnghuá.
Ascending the throne was none other than Li Nianlong's biological father, Long Qingyun. Whether fortunate or not, Li Nianlong didn't resemble Long Qingyun but bore a striking similarity to Li Ying. This fact spared Li Nianlong from any troubles growing up. Had a young man resembling Long Qingyun appeared, he would undoubtedly attract unwanted attention.
While not resembling Long Qingyun physically, Li Nianlong inherited his physique. Long Qingyun was over six feet tall, and Li Nianlong was even taller at six foot six. In contrast, Li Ying was just over five feet. Without a tall partner like Long Qingyun, she likely wouldn't have given birth to a son approaching six foot seven.
Staring at the triumphant Long Qingyun on screen, Li Nianlong was lost in thought. Since he could remember, he didn't know who his father was. Li Ying never spoke of him either. As time passed, Li Nianlong increasingly yearned for his father, mentally crafting an image of him. Long Qingyun's appearance aligned perfectly with the image Li Nianlong had of his father – tall, powerful, and charismatic. Unconsciously, a smile crept onto Li Nianlong's lips: Is this my father...
Suddenly, Li Nianlong's expression shifted, turning incredibly grim. Veins bulged on his forehead and arms as the new Crown Prince of China appeared on screen. Around thirty years old, he looked like a younger version of Long Qingyun. With a proud face, he accepted Long Qingyun's investiture, officially becoming the next heir to the throne.
Li Nianlong gripped his teacup tightly, his whole body trembling.
It was him! The man Li Nianlong could never forget. He was Li Nianlong's eldest brother, the culprit behind Uncle Guan's death – Long Zongheng!
The teacup couldn't withstand Li Nianlong's grip and shattered, cutting his palm. Blood dripped to the ground, yet Li Nianlong was oblivious, his hate-filled gaze fixated on the figure on TV.
Light footsteps hurried towards him. Nalan Ruyue, her hands still wet from washing dishes, noticed Li Nianlong's bleeding hand and her eyes flashed with panic. She quickly approached and led him to the sink.
Li Nianlong didn't resist, letting Nalan Ruyue guide him to the basin. She rinsed his hand; luckily, the cut wasn't deep and would likely heal within days.
Sympathy and a hint of reproach flickered in Nalan Ruyue's eyes. She signed, asking what had happened.
After a pause, Li Nianlong shook his head lightly. "Nothing."
Nalan Ruyue kept her gaze on him.
"Really, nothing," Li Nianlong sighed. "There's a first aid kit under the TV cabinet. Can you fetch it for me, please?"
Nalan Ruyue glanced at him again before turning to the TV cabinet, retrieving the first aid kit from a compartment.
Back on the sofa, Li Nianlong received the kit from Nalan Ruyue.
Li Nianlong opened the kit, looking for Yunnan Baiyao powder and gauze.
Nalan Ruyue took them from him and tended to his wound herself.
Looking down at Nalan Ruyue's beautiful face and her attentive care, a warm feeling surged in Li Nianlong's heart.
A short while later, Nalan Ruyue skillfully bandaged Li Nianlong's hand with gauze, even tying a cute bow. Her technique was proficient, suggesting she'd done this many times before.
"Thank you."
Nalan Ruyue lifted her head, her bright eyes blinking gently as she signed, reminding him not to repeat such actions and expressing how worried she had been.
Li Nianlong's eyes flashed with remorse as he handed over his phone. "I didn't understand."
After exchanging messages through the phone, feeling Nalan Ruyue's genuine concern, Li Nianlong looked at her for a long moment before softly nodding. "I won't do it again."
Seeing Li Nianlong wasn't being dismissive, Nalan Ruyue broke into a radiant smile, typing on the phone: You're injured; don't go looking for work for now. If you really need money, I have a jade pendant that might fetch some.
Li Nianlong had seen that jade pendant when he saved Nalan Ruyue. It was the size of a fingertip, a vivid green Buddha statue. Though he wasn't versed in jade appraisal, he found it beautiful, its green hue pure without a speck of impurity.
"No need." While unaware of the pendant's value, Li Nianlong was deeply moved that Nalan Ruyue offered her most valuable possession. But relying on a woman selling her jewelry for money would forever stain him with the label of 'loser' , something he couldn't bear.
"We have enough money to live on. I was planning to work part-time during the summer for life experience, not for the money." Here, Li Nianlong smiled slightly. "Besides, do I look like someone who lacks money? This villa alone is worth over fifty million."
Nalan Ruyue smiled brightly at Li Nianlong's smile, her radiance momentarily touching his heart.
Putting away the first aid kit, Nalan Ruyue joined Li Nianlong in watching the remainder of the coronation ceremony. The king and crown prince's ceremonies had concluded, and next was the announcement of the queen.

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