Chapter 11: Lost Wallet

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Li Nianlong chuckled. "What a pity indeed." Yuexi was a joyous girl, and having someone like her around ensured an abundance of laughter and cheer.
"When it comes to leisure, Tianfu is unparalleled." Li Nianlong raised his teacup, blowing on it lightly. "The life in Tianfu is the most leisurely one could ask for – affordable living costs, not overly high housing prices, landscapes that resemble paintings, numerous scenic spots; it's truly a place blessed with both talented people and a vibrant environment. Tianfu, a land of eternal spring, is also the perfect spot for retirement. When you all grow old, consider coming to Tianfu for your twilight years."
"Hey, as if we're that old." Yuexi pouted, flicking her ponytail. "Although Big Brother makes Tianfu sound so wonderful that this lady was momentarily tempted, I'm still in the prime of my youth with plenty of strength to enjoy. Retirement is five hundred years too early for me! Hahaha..."
Five hundred years? Are you a Monkey King?
Yuechao's eyes flashed with a hint of helplessness as she gave Li Nianlong a soft smile. "Thank you for your suggestion, Big Brother. If we have the chance, we'll definitely consider retiring in Tianfu."
Li Nianlong waved his hand. "My bad for bringing up retirement too soon. Let's not talk about that. Weren't we just discussing lantern riddles? There are many interesting ways to play..."
Just as they were discussing lantern riddles, the waiter entered with the menu. "Have the four guests enjoyed their meal? Would you like to order anything else?"
Yuexi giggled. "Big Brother, Sister Ruyue, we haven't ordered yet because we were waiting for you two! Order whatever you want, we're treating today."
"With me here, how can I let the ladies pay?" Li Nianlong chuckled, taking the menu and first ordering the two most expensive dishes before asking Lan Ruyue, "Ruyue, what would you like?"
Lan Ruyue waved her hand, indicating she didn't have any preferences, and Li Nianlong didn't press further, passing the menu to Yuexi. "I'm paying today, order whatever you like."
Yuexi grinned fox-like and turned to Yuechao. "It's not my fault; Big Brother told me to order anything."
Yuechao felt helpless, while Li Nianlong looked bewildered, sensing something ominous.
"I saw a fifty-year-old vintage wine on the drinks menu. I've never tasted such fine wine!" As soon as Yuexi spoke, Li Nianlong's face changed. A fifty-year vintage, regardless of brand, would cost at least ten thousand yuan.
Li Nianlong stared blankly at Yuexi. "You..."
"Hehe..." Yuexi, who had been grinning like a fox, now seemed more like an owl perched on a tombstone. "A bottle of fifty-year vintage is only thirteen thousand, dirt cheap! Waiter, bring us a bottle of that."
The waiter beamed, ecstatic. This sale meant a 130 yuan commission for him. "Coming right up, one bottle of fifty-year vintage! Anything else, guests?"
Li Nianlong turned pale, and Lan Ruyue didn't look too pleased either. Although Yuexi was a mutual friend, they had only known her for two days. It was hard to overlook her audacity in ordering over ten thousand yuan worth of alcohol after just two days of friendship. Even though Yuexi was a rare beauty, Lan Ruyue found it unforgivable.
Noticing their expressions, Yuexi burst into laughter, loud and sudden, leaving Li Nianlong and Lan Ruyue baffled.
"Looking at your faces... hahaha... it's hilarious..." Yuexi laughed until she collapsed on the table.
"Enough!" Yuechao raised her fist and tapped Yuexi's head gently.
"Gugu..." Yuexi tried to stifle her laughter by covering her mouth.
Yuechao, with a mix of apology and helplessness, explained, "Big Brother, Sister Ruyue, Xi Xi was just joking with you! This bottle of wine is on us. Our family has a tradition: when we invite good friends to dinner for the first time, we must offer the best wine. Since this isn't our home and we can't serve our homemade brew, we have to settle for the most expensive wine at the inn to express our sincerity. If Xi Xi's joke upset you, I apologize on her behalf. Sorry."
Understanding dawned on Li Nianlong and Lan Ruyue as their expressions softened. Li Nianlong sighed in relief. "So that's it. You scared me there." Pausing, he jokingly said to Yuexi, "Good thing it was just a joke. If I really had to foot the bill, our friendship might have ended."
Beside him, Lan Ruyue nodded in agreement.
"Pfft, do you think I'm that kind of person?" Yuexi wiped sweat from her forehead. "I nearly died laughing. Look at this sweat."
Yuechao and Yuexi each ordered a dish. When the food and wine arrived, the four of them toasted, chatted, and laughed, ending their gathering in a pleasant atmosphere.
"Waiter, check please!" The spicy Tianfu cuisine had made them sweat profusely, despite its deliciousness. Yuexi wiped her forehead and neck with tissues.
"Coming!" The waiter approached with the bill, smiling broadly. "Did our guests enjoy their meal?"
"Yes," replied Li Nianlong, sipping his hot tea before asking with a smile, "The service was great too. How much do we owe?"
"The guests' satisfaction is all that matters," the waiter said happily, handing over the bill. "The total comes to thirteen thousand six hundred and thirty, but I'll waive the thirty. That makes it thirteen thousand six."
Minus the thirteen thousand for the vintage, the meal cost only six hundred, quite reasonable.
Li Nianlong paid the six hundred without hesitation, but when Yuexi reached for her money, she frantically searched her bag and pockets.
"Uh... uh? Uh?" Under everyone's gaze, Yuexi broke out in cold sweat, tears welling up. She looked pitifully at Li Nianlong. "Wh... what should we do? Big Brother, I... I lost my wallet."
Li Nianlong: "..." Lan Ruyue: "..."
Yuechao frowned slightly and sighed. Reaching into her pocket, she said, "I've told you so many times not to be careless. See... eh? Eh? Eh?"
Yuechao's expression also changed as she rummaged through her pockets, slowly tears forming in her eyes. "W... what should we do?"
Minutes later, the Yue sisters followed Li Nianlong and Lan Ruyue out of the inn, their faces gloomy. "Sorry, Big Brother." ×2
"It's alright. There's nothing we can do about these things," Li Nianlong forced a smile. Determined not to spend another penny of Long Qingyun's money, he had used his own savings for the bill, but with less than thirty thousand left and over ten thousand spent, he was down to ten thousand. Without earning more, even with frugal spending, he wouldn't last two months.
"I need to make money!" Li Nianlong felt a pressing urgency.
"What should we do?" Yuexi was on the verge of tears. "We lost our wallets, we can't stay at the hotel. Are we going to sleep on the streets?"
"Sleep on the streets?" Yuechao's face fell. "No way! I don't want to sleep on the streets! It's uncomfortable, and it's cold at night. I'll have insomnia."
"We won't have food either, we'll have to fight stray cats and dogs for scraps from trash cans." Yuexi's words were heart-wrenching.
Yuechao crouched down, holding her head. "No... no..."
Lan Ruyue tugged on Li Nianlong's sleeve. He turned to see the plea in her eyes.
"Don't worry," Li Nianlong patted her hand, then turned to the Yue sisters. "Call your parents, tell them what happened, and ask them to send some money."
"It won't work," Yuechao wiped her tears. "Our bank cards and IDs were in the wallet. Even if we report them lost, it will take at least ten days to get replacements. What are we supposed to do in these ten days?"
"Then ask your parents to come early and take you back."
"But... but, we saved up our New Year's money for three years just for this trip to Tianfu. Losing our wallets is one thing, the money in the bank is safe, but losing the chance to travel in Tianfu means all our efforts for three years will go to waste. And what about the next two days? We'll freeze, we'll starve." Yuexi lamented.
"Big Brother..." Yuexi's tearful eyes pleaded with Li Nianlong.
"Big Brother..." Yuechao's gentle tears were irresistible to Li Nianlong.
Lan Ruyue tugged at Li Nianlong's clothes, her eyes filled with longing.

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