12. In the name of Father (2)

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It was a long-awaited reunion between father and son, realized after many decades.

When the awakened Teacher Lee Tae-geon saw Mr. Lee Jin-myeong entering behind me, neither could muster any words.

The sight of his father left Mr. Lee Jin-myeong's eyes moist.

The teacher silently extended his wrinkled hand with a ring towards his son. Mr. Lee Jin-myeong slowly approached and firmly grasped his father's hand. It was astonishing how a few steps could narrow the long distance between them over the years.

Watching the bustling figure of Mr. Lee's departure, I quietly left the hospital room and rested on the sofa in the lounge for a while.

Mr. Lee Jin-myeong, who had been by the teacher's side all along, only left the room after dawn.

Before leaving, he asked to see me again soon and extended a handshake. His face beamed with a bright smile as he looked at me.

Upon entering the hospital room, Teacher Lee Tae-geon was still awake. "It seems my son quite likes you," he said to me.

"Well then, I'm grateful," I replied with a smile.

A gentle smile appeared on the teacher's lips as he looked at me calmly. "I'm truly thankful. If it weren't for Se-jun yesterday, I might not have been able to meet my son before passing away. You're my benefactor," he said.

Benefactor. It felt awkward to hear such a grand term for the first time in my life.

As I shyly lowered my head, the teacher unexpectedly brought up the topic we had discussed earlier:

"About the offer I mentioned before."

With that single word, fireworks erupted in my mind.

The teacher seemed uneasy, averting his gaze slightly.

"Is that still valid?"

"Of course!"

Unconsciously, I grabbed the teacher's hand firmly.

Just as we were reveling in joy, the door suddenly burst open.

And someone familiar rushed into the hospital room.

It was the housekeeper from Ansan Estate.

"Oh, sir! Even young people are alive!"

"I'm fine, please calm down."

"Housekeeper, please don't cry."

Holding bags in both hands, the housekeeper alternated between looking at the teacher and me, still teary-eyed.

"I thought something terrible had happened to both of you!"

"It's okay, really."

"As you can see, everything's fine."

Wiping away her tears, the housekeeper began unpacking the bags she had brought. To my surprise, they contained clothes for the teacher and plenty of food.

"Sejun, you should have some food here before you leave!"

Under the housekeeper's insistence, I had breakfast with the teacher.

After finishing the meal and leaving the hospital room, I immediately called Kim Ju-won.

Before the dial tone could even ring a few times, he answered.

- Oh, Sejun.

"Writer Kim, has Shinhae Teacher been recruited?"

- Not yet. Shin Writer is in contact with the other writer, but it seems like scheduling for Teacher Shin is a bit complicated.

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