7. Casting! The Start of the Broadcast (1)

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"Are you saying you've already finished all that?"

A ripple of surprise crossed Kim Ju-won's serene face.

"It's true. She sent over all those previews neatly organized this morning."

As Shin Se-jung checked the document file I sent on her phone, she remarked with amazement.

She held out her phone so that Kim Ju-won could see too.

As Kim Ju-won glanced up after examining the preview on the screen, he looked back at me again. Shin Se-jung did the same.

Her eyes toward me gleamed sharply, like those of a predator spotting prey, making it difficult to meet her gaze head-on.

"No matter how you look at it, it's not the work of someone who's only done it once or twice."

As I searched for words to reply, I absentmindedly fiddled with the cup of Americano in front of me.

We're in Mapo-gu, Seogyo-dong.

It's a cafe near Itaegon's house.

We gathered here briefly before the appointment time for a meeting, but somehow, the topic shifted to my preview.

"Interesting. The editing style is clean, just my style."

I felt a pang in my chest at Shin Se-jung's muttered comment.

Unknowingly, I had made it just the way she had demanded in the past.

The memory of being pressed by Shin Se-jung while previewing the migratory bird footage was still vivid in my mind.

In fact, since learning that method, I had never been criticized for my previews anywhere.

A satisfied smile crept onto her lips.

"Well done. The more I see you work, the more I like it."

"Why the sudden praise for the newbie? Are you feeling alright?"

The main and sub had a casual conversation, exchanging pleasantries as usual.

It was a new side of them that I hadn't known before.

On one side was the master of human documentaries, and on the other was a writer who would later be known as the queen of nature documentaries.

I still couldn't believe that I was working with them.

Kim Ju-won, dressed in a sleek suit for the occasion of the casting, seemed almost like a cover model for a men's magazine today.

As long as she didn't unleash her full power, Shin Se-jung, looking like the leading lady in a romantic movie, needed no further comment.

Perhaps that's why every person entering the cafe glanced at our table at least once.

Even I, who usually favored hoodies and jeans, dressed in a clean coat, shirt, and slacks for today.

It wasn't a time to dress casually for a meeting with Itaegon.

As I pushed the coffee cup with condensation, Kim Ju-won asked, "What's the youngest at GTV doing?"

"Se-jun finished the previews amazingly, so I asked him to track down acquaintances of Itaegon and request interviews. He'll probably be busy making calls for a few days."

"For people who have been in the business for so long, they should be treated with respect. What do you think about the youngest in the eyes of the new sub?"

Kim Ju-won's question made Shin Se-jung's eyes narrow thoughtfully. It seemed she was carefully choosing her words.

"I saw him briefly yesterday, but what can I tell? Maybe because he's still a newbie, he seems a bit clumsy in his work."

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