CHAPTER 18 -~Meeting Wither's Family~

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As our lips touch, my tongue sliding into his mouth as I deepens the kiss. I presses my body against his, feeling the heat and desire between him growing with each passing second. "Oh, Skelly..~" I trails my lips down his neck and whispers in his ear.

I smiles against his skin, knowing that I making him moan with pleasure. "You like that, huh Skelly?~" I ask with smug and he just blush so hard and pushes me away from him.. "Why do you make that kiss so passionate??" He ask and i just laugh at him.

Huh, he isn't that a bad person.. Unlike what my father describe him.. Is killing him really worth it?..

--To be Continue--

(Shory chapter because I'm gonna write a long one on chapter 19!)

==1 week later==
[Skelly's POV:]

"You're so stupid Wither!!" I yell at him as i hit his head, "I already told you that it's gonna rain and YOU DIDN'T BRING YOUR CAR AND UMBRELLA!!" I yell again and he just roll his eyes. "How am i gonna bring my car if i told you that we're just gonna walk around here??" He said. "You're still stupid!" I said to him.

"Ugh.. I'll just call my drivers to get us.." I said as i was about to take out my phone but he stop me. "No, my families house is just near here.. Let's just go in there!" He said as he hold my hands and we start to walk.. AHHHHH!!! ME MEETING HIS FAMILY!? Ahhh... I don't want to.. But I'm kinda curious..

"We're here.." He said as we go in, that was quick-.. Woahh, this is like a Japanese house.. "This house is built like.. Over more than a million years. All the Millers grew up in here." He explain as i look around. The door open and he let go of my hand.

"Wither!" A woman greeted her. "Mom!, this is Skelly, he's my roommate and.. best friend!" He said as he introduce me. I smile at her and she smile back. "Welcome, oh you both are soak wet, come in and dry yourself here. Wither still have some clothes here so you can wear it and you don't get sick." She said as we get in.

Are all his ancestors in here?? Why is there so many people?.. Oh.. Right, they grew up here.. That's actually cool, you get to always bond with your family. "Big brother!!!" A girl was about to hug Wither but her mother stop her. "Your brother is wet, hug him after he is changed." Her mother said.

"Skelly, I'll go change first then you go after, okay?" Wither said as he goes to a room.. Ahh no!! You shouldn't left me here, this is so awkward!! "Hey, Skelly right? I'm Cassy, his mother and this is Winter, his little sister!" She said as she introduced herself and Winter. "H-hello!" I said stuttering, this is awkward! "Oh, don't be shy around us now, we're not like gonna bite you or anything!" She jokingly said and laugh. "Hahaha.." I force my self laugh too..

A wither skeleton comes here and shit.. It's William! The one who flirt with me when i turned into a girl.. Well, this is more awkward. I should have just call my drivers!!!

"Are you hungry?" Cassy ask and i shake my head. "Oh wait! You might get sick too for staying so long in wet, there's another bathroom in the end of that long hallway, no one is using that bathroom right now, so go changed!" She said and gives me Wither's clothes.. "Thank you!" I said greatfully and smile at her. She is so nice!!!

I go to the bathroom that Wither's mom told me. I just showered and put the clothes she give me and holy cow.. Wither's scent is now all over me!, okay.. That actually sounds so weird..

I go back to them and saw Wither just talking to them.. Thank god he's here!! Now.. I still feel very awkward. And.. There's more people.. I just sit beside Wither shyly and awkwardly.. "You good?" He ask and i just nod. I look at the window and it's still raining.. Damn it.

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