Dinner pt.2

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"You want me to what?" I ask not quite sure if I heard him correctly the first time.

"Should I explain it to her?" Mr. Carter asks looking across the table at my dad for approval.

"No it's alright I'll do it." My dad said as he paused. "So the thing is it's really more complicated than it might look so I'm sorry princess." My dad said as I urged him to go on.

"I've made many investments in Mr. Carters business and you know that we go way back but, his rival company is now looking to take over the fashion and art world by falsely signing the papers over to their names."

"He owns the Priscilla Berkshire company but Priscilla is only the face behind it and he also owns the Tesoro di ricordi museum even though his son is the CEO and founder."  My dad said as he kept fidgeting in his seat.

"These people are extremely dangerous and they will go to any lengths to make sure that these companies are in their names."

"So what does all of this have to do with me and marriage?" I asked confused because it felt things were honestly moving too fast.

"If you and Mr. Carters son get married we can easily sign the companies over to your names, Mr. Carter and I have many different company's to uphold but the fashion and art ones are most important because it contains your futures."

"We know how much it means to you guys, so if you decide to get married the companies will be in your names and my rival company will have no way of signing the companies over to their names because these companies will be under your name in secret." Mr. Carter continued.

"And if they ever find out the truth there will be no way of hurting you guys because this rivalry is personal. We want this to be a secret because we know how much you guys have worked to mold your futures. If my rival company takes the Priscilla Berkshire company you'll loose your job."

"My son will be here any moment I had time to run it over with him so now it's just time to make your decisions." Mr. Carter stated giving me the final blow.

This is truly the most complicated decision I've ever made and that says a lot considering the fact that me and Bella were debating ice cream flavors a few minutes ago.

"I'll do it." I said without missing a beat because if I don't then my whole future and everything i worked for is at risk.

Yeah no, I haven't even met the guy and I'm already ready for marriage.

"You're sure?" My dad and Mr. Carter ask in unison.

"Yeah what do i have to loose?" I asked with a nervous laugh.

Oh nothing besides the chance to experience a genuine relationship.

"If you ever change your mind please talk to me sweetheart." My dad said as he gave me the 'i wish there was more that i could do' look.

"My son is here." Mr. Carter said as he looked towards the door.

And soon enough a guy who looked about 6'3 with green eyes and messy black hair walked towards our table wearing a navy blue suit with a white dress shirt underneath.

I thought those news articles where exaggerating by calling him New York's number 1 bachelor but holy fuck this man is hot.

When he got to our table his and my dad stood up to greet him. "Aiden son you're all grown up." My dad said as he and my soon to be husband gave each other a hug.

His green eyes slowly skimmed me across the table as my dad spoke to him.

"Sit down." His father said as Aiden took off his blazer and put it over his chair before taking a seat.

I wonder what's taking mom and Bella so long.

"Don't make this awkward, introduce yourselves." His father urged snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I'm Aiden Carter nice to meet you." He said with a husky voice which caught me off guard as he gave a quick glance to his watch. He had an accent just like his father which I assume is Russian.

"Meliah." I said as we shook hands and our hands lingering for a moment before his gaze shifted to my dress.

Wow meeting at a restaurant while our parents talk to us about marriage is definitely our meet cute.

"The wedding will be in two months you guys need to put up an act for the public, make sure to make it believable." My dad said.

"You sure she can do that?" Aiden said eyeing me up and down.

First of all fuck off

"Wait he already agreed to this?" I asked looking at Aiden even though I already knew the answer to that question.

"Yes." He replied which made me look at him in question, I wonder what's so special to him that he's willing to marry a girl he barely knows.

"Why do we have to make this public I thought we agreed to keep it private."

"So that people don't suspect that it's an arranged marriage, it's very common these days." Aiden answered looking straight at me as he sat in his seat spreading his legs while he answered the question as if it was obvious.

That was hot, although we're both shamelessly checking each other out.

"What about my internship I start Monday?" I asked looking at my dad to take my mind off of my 'soon to be husband.'

"You can still go but Aiden has to pick you up and drop you off because the building you work at is super popular so the more people who spot you there the better." Mr. Carter explained as he watched his son.

"Can't sorry I'm busy." Aiden said with that same husk voice looking at his dad as if to give him a 'really' look before rolling his eyes with a bored expression on his face.

Rude much???

"Cancel everything you have planned for the time she's meant to be dropped off I don't want to hear anything more." His dad said giving him the 'it's not up for discussion look' in return.

"You guys have to make your relationship public at the gala, please be on you best behavior. Especially you Meliah." My dad said talking to me as if I was a little kid.

I just rolled my eyes in response.

I can't believe i have to put up with this and i can't believe that i agreed to all of this so quickly, but i know deep down that i'm just looking for something to entertain myself.

I mean really, what's more interesting than an arranged marriage?

If you can even call this that.

"Hi! we're back." Bella and my mom exclaimed as they came to our table fully surprised by our new guests, well Bella was the only one surprised.

I guess my mom knew about it too.

"Waiter." Mr. Carter called, I assume they're about to order the food now.


"Let's go to the buffet." I said pulling Bella away with me.

"But we just came from there-"

"Now please." I finished as she followed me with a frown.
schools been hectic so sorry for the slow updates

this is a short chapter sorry about that but

love you all and thank you for the support


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