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I'm so sorry if there's spelling errors or whatever I didn't have time to edit this chapter but i hope you guys enjoy it <3


One year later:

"You need to be independent honey." I heard my dad say on the other end of the line as I struggled to put on my heels. "What part of moving out at 21 doesn't count as independent?" I asked with a bagel still in my mouth.

I'm going to be late as fuck.

"Most kids move out at that age and besides I paid for your apartment ." He said as I heard my mom yelling at him to take benny for a walk, my golden retriever.

"No they don't." I said with a scowl even though he couldn't see me. "Okay dad I'm going to be late, love you and tell mom I love her too. We're still having dinner later today right?" I asked as I grabbed my apartment keys and my Birkin bag before walking towards the door.

"Yes honey, see you later." He said as I hung up and locked my apartment before I running towards the elevator to get downstairs almost tripping by the way, using the elevator to finish my bagel and to do a quick makeup check.

I caught a cab and rushed to the building that had a big "Chic Urban" sign displayed on it. One of the worlds biggest and most influential fashion magazine published by the Priscilla-Berkshire company.

And if you're wondering why I don't have a car, uh lets just say it got into a little bit of a accident..

That was one of her very first fashion magazines that why she named the building "Chic Urban". She's my role model and my biggest dream is to become a fashion designer in this very building.

That's why I'm here, to apply for the fashion designer internship.

When I got into the building there was a long line of people who stood at reception waiting to be called into the interview room and I have to admit I had never been this nervous before.

Choosing to be productive so that I'd stop fidgeting I took my tiny grey notebook out of my purse as I read through my notes and flipped through my fashion sketches.

The line was moving slowly and I really needed to take a piss, I can't go now but I really need to. What if I pee in my pants?

"Hey can u watch my spot? I'm so sorry for asking." I asked not even waiting for a reply as I walked up to reception to ask for the directions to the bathroom.

"Good evening, how may I help you today?" The receptionist asked as she twirled her red hair around her finger. "Yes, bathrooms please." I said smiling and also about to piss my pants.

See I have this problem with drinking a lot of coffee before leaving my house, a part of it has to do with my fucked up sleeping schedule and watching funny cat videos until midnight.

"Down the hall, take the elevator and then second door to your right." She said and I was already half way down the hall before the most cliché thing in the fucking world happened to me.

That's what happens when you're impatient Meliah.

Somebody bumped into me spilling something all over my shirt and it wasn't even coffee, it was bleach and I only realized once I looked down at my shirt.

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