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This is where everything gets started, hope you enjoy this chapter

Happy readings!


"So how did it go?" She asked me as soon as I walked through her door. I chose to go to Bella's apartment because mine was further away and because I thought we could go to the dinner together since my parents loved it when she joined.

"This genius." I said pointing to myself with a smirk. "Is going to be a fashion intern." And as soon as those words left my mouth she got up and we both started squealing as she hugged me.

"Wait why do you kinda smell like bleach?" She asked sniffing me like a weirdo. "Long story. You're okay with going to the dinner with me today right?" I asked as I walked towards her kitchen and opened the fridge, which had nothing inside it.

"Yes of course." She said with a smile. "How much time do we have to get ready?"

"Uh about an hour so we better hurry, can I use your shower?"

"Sure don't be long." She replied with a smile.


"This one or this one?" I asked holding two sundresses in my hands as I asked Bella to pick. "The first one suits you more." She said as she straightened her hair.

It was completely normal to get dressed up for a simple dinner in New York because nobody ever wants to feel underdressed.

"Now which one should I wear?" She asked as she looked at me through the mirror pointing to the dresses that were on the bed.

"The blue one." I replied because I feel like light blue would compliment her blonde hair.

Meliah's outfit:

We didn't have to worry about shoes because both of us put on our matching doc martens that we thrifted

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We didn't have to worry about shoes because both of us put on our matching doc martens that we thrifted.

'Hey now, hey now what's the matter with you? Girls just wanna have fun now, come on...' Bella sang as we sat in her car.

Me and Bella were in a musical when we were in college and our director/ professor made us practice this song like crazy and since we both knew the words at that point we just decided to label it as our song.

"I'm nervous what if my parents disown me because of the whole independence thing? I mean they're going too far by allowing me to only shop once a month." I said as we got out of Bella's car which was now parked in front of the restaurant.

"You'll be fine, you can always use my credit card." She said patting my back. Bella came from a well off family and that's how we met, we went to the same posh college and we've been friends ever since.

"Really?" I asked with a grin as we walked towards the restaurant. "No."


'The phone rings in the middle of the night, my father yells what you gonna do with your life. Oh daddy dear you know you're still number one but girls they want to have fun oh girls just want to have fun.' I sang as i hopped out of the car.

"Hey looks is that who I think it is?" She asked pointing to a face that looked oddly familiar as both of us squinted our eyes.

And then it snapped, he was the guy who did the speech at the gallery.

"No fucking way why is he sitting with my parents?" I said in utter shock because what the hell was going on.

"Act cool." Bella said as if she was even trying to contain her excitement. "No you act cool." I said hitting her with my elbow.

"Before we go in there why do you think he's here? Is it because of all of the food we took at the opening party because if it is than we're screwed."

"You're right we did take a lot of food." She said looking at me as we both started to panic.

"We have about five seconds to run before they see us through these glass doors." I stated as we got ready to sprint.

The doc martins weren't a good choice though.

"Hey girls." My mom said  interrupting our sprinting session. "Shit, shit, shit." Bella said giving my mom  a fake smile because she could now clearly see us. "I guess we have to do this then." she continued as she grabbed my arm pulling me towards their table and I just knew she was enjoying this.

"Hey mom, dad and our very very unexpected guest." I said as me and Bella sat down and she continued to greet everybody at the table.

"What were you guys doing out there for so long?" My mom asked looking between the two of us confused. "Oh nothing just warming up." Both me and Bella said in unison with a fake laugh.

"Warming up for what?" She asked looking even more confused. "Mrs.Marcum don't you think we should head over to that lovely bar for a minute?" Bella asked my mom thankfully changing the subject.


"There's something we need to talk to you about princess." My dad with a saddened expression as he gave the guy from the gallery a look.

"Nice to finally meet you I'm Alexander Carter, me and your dad have been friends for over a decade." The man said as he shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you too I'm Meliah, so what brings you here today?" I asked because I honestly don't have time to beat around the bush.

"Before we start how did the interview go sweetheart?" My dad asks the saddened expression now replaced with a smile.

"Great, I got the internship." I said with a grin feeling like this wasn't the right time to share my excitement though.

"That's amazing sweetheart I know how much you've worked for it." He said as he got out of his seat to give me a hug.

"It's something about my job isn't it?" I asked because I felt the mood change the second my dad mentioned my internship. "If it is I'm not quitting dad."

"No sweetheart it's not like that." My dad said and the table was filled with silence.

"I need you to marry my son." The man said which gave me whiplash because I was caught completely off guard.

"Damn things are moving fast." I said with a laugh hoping I could lighten up the mood.


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