Chapter 24

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Dear Mum and Dad,

I apologize for not writing earlier. My time at Hogwarts has been a rollercoaster with many turns and twists. I don't know if Hermione has written to you about her days so far, but I'll try to give you the full story!

Hogwarts is truly more than I ever imagined it would be. The castle is so beautiful and grand; I am sure the Queen would be jealous! But what I like even more are the people. Yes, I have met some awful ones too. I mostly stay out of their way to keep the magic going! Or so I try. Not always able to do that... as you may have guessed.

The classes are not that hard. Potions is tough, but I suspect Professor Snape is pushing me for some reason. Not that I mind though. Potions is the class I like the most! The sounds of brewing potions, the magic one can put in a concoction. Astounding!

I also quite like Transfiguration and Herbology classes. Plants are fun, really fun to work with, especially having seen them only through a window for years. Getting my hands dirty without fear of death; a life-freeing moment! Perhaps I can do something with the garden at home? Although, I don't think these plants are very safe. Some can literally kill you... I'll have to think on it.

On another note, there have been two tournaments that started this year! What are the chances, right? I come to Hogwarts and something fun has been planned. One tournament I couldn't enter as you have to be seventeen. Apparently, it is very dangerous. The first task will start very soon, so we'll see what it will entail.

The other one though was a chess tournament. I entered as fast as I could! And guess what? I won! 200 galleons as prize money. No clue what that is in pounds but, then again, I donated it to a good cause. Two friends, Fred and George, wanted to make a joke shop but lacked the funds. So I helped them along.

It's always a joy to see people laugh and enjoy life. I certainly know what it feels like to not always feel that joy in life. If it turns out to be a success, I will certainly let you see it!

And then there is another matter, one I hope will not cause trouble between us, for I sincerely wish for us four to remain together. It's about Hermione and me... She and I are now an item, Mum, Dad. We are girlfriends and happily so!

It feels so weird to write it down. Or perhaps it's just the thought that you'll be reading this. But I mean every word I have written. I love Hermione. Certainly after all I have seen and done with her, I can truly and confidently say it.

This feels a bit weird, given our relationship of the past. While I have not been given the same last name as I had when living with you... Still, it's not every day one would fall for a stepsister. It's why I chose to go by Black in the Wizarding world. And to honor my father.

I cannot write more as I am running out of space. I hope you have no trouble with us being together. We have both talked about it, so you have nothing to worry about. Consent from both sides.

I love you both very much and I'll think about you,


Amelia took a breath as she read her letter again. It felt weird to talk about her and Hermione. Not many would say that they turned from seeing each other as stepsisters to girlfriends. She would have been concerned if Hermione were her true sister. That's not something she wished to pursue, let alone say to Mum and Dad.

She rolled up the parchment and sealed it with a string. Now she just needed to find an owl. Perhaps she could borrow Harry's? Hermione did a few times, so perhaps she could as well. With that, she stood up from her desk, earning a glance from Daisy, who lounged close by while she was writing.

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