Chapter 37

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A young woman with short brunette hair was anchoring the news and the top story she was telling the world about was Blake Henry's release from jail after evidence had come to light that he was not, in fact, the Acadia Killer. They of course had to flash Blake's mugshot on the T.V., which only made both of us groan in disgust. There was no reason to add insult to injury.

But it was the next story that blew our minds and had me torn between wanting to crawl into a hole and never come out or gear up for a war.

"Next on our news block, Action 7 has obtained a video we will play for our viewers, but I will warn you," she said. "Young children may want to leave the room. This video is disturbing."

Blake and I looked at each other in confusion.

"I wonder what..." I started, but the video played, and my words trailed off.

A hooded figure in black came on the screen. It was creepy. I felt my brows draw inward at the sight, wondering what this person was going to say.

"My name is Michael Henry," the figure announced to both our surprise. "I killed all those women in Acadia National Park, and I had every intention of getting away with it. I framed my son for the murders, but his girlfriend outsmarted me and proved his innocence. Now... Now I want revenge before I'm taken into custody. Now I'm coming after you, Mackenzie Vega. Mark my words. You won't get away this time."

The video ended and the news anchor came back on the screen, seeming to shiver from being creeped out by the message.

"That video was sent to our news desk by the supposed real Acadia Killer, who you just saw admit to the murders. Action 7 wishes to bring awareness to the community for your safety and knowledge, but we also apologize for how disturbing this video was," the anchor said.

She went on to say they had a psychologist in the studio who she was going to talk with about the video to try to understand the mind of a killer, but I didn't care to hear a doctor's opinion on Michael Henry's insanity, and I turned the T.V. off.

Blake and I sat in silence for several minutes before he finally said something.

"Are you okay?" he asked, rubbing his palm up and down my arm.

I noticed marks on his wrist from where he'd worn handcuffs and I reached for his hand and bought his wrist to my mouth, kissing the injury.

"I don't know," I finally said. "I just don't know."

I caught myself staring off into the distance and realized I was going into a trance thinking about the video from Michael Henry.

"I need to do something," I told Blake. "I need to figure something out about your father. We need to help the police catch him somehow."

"Before he tries to get to you," Blake included.

I shook my head. "He's already trying to get to me. He's probably outside watching us through the windows right now. We need a trap to lure him to the police."

Blake nodded. "Do you have any ideas?"

I shook my head again. "Not a one. But I'll think of something. How easy is it to break into this house?"

Blake glanced around like he was analyzing everything. "Aside from shattering windows, which I don't see him doing, I don't think he's going to get into the house through the door. He's probably going to wait for one of us to go outside and try to overtake us."

"You know him better than I do," I said. "If you think we're safe inside..."

He nodded. "I do. I don't think he's going to try to break in, and if he does, I'll be ready for him anyway."

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