Vol.19 Ch.13: St. Mary's Classmancers Club

Start from the beginning

"Strom? Why, though?"

"Um, Fiona asked me to...."

"Yes, I did," Fiona said. "Good work."

"Um, thanks. I'm still halfway through, though."

"It is alright," Fiona said. "There is still time."

"Time for what?" Karen raised an eyebrow. "Are we gonna go up against Storm soon or something?"

"We would most certainly face them in the regionals, so I want to be prepared in advance."

"Dang, thinking about the long game, huh."

"Of course." Fiona nodded. "Our goal is to become the regional champions, so we must study all the contenders for the title."

"Winning the regionals would be awesome, but considering how our last scrim went down...." Karen quieted down all of a sudden. The chipperness in her voice was nowhere to be found.

"I see that you are still hung up on that defeat."

"N-Nah, I'm fine!" Karen puffed her chest. "Sure, we lost and stuff. But it's the Leopards, you know? We can't possibly beat them, even when they have a trashy player like Cato."

"Is that how you genuinely feel?"




"Do you not feel frustrated at all about the fact we lost an official match?"

"N-Not really..." Karen lowered her head and looked at the floor. Her bravado was slowly crumbling apart.

"Is that so." Fiona sighed. "So, even when the team loses an important match, it does not faze you at all. I see how it is."

"T-That's not how I meant it!" Karen jumped. "Of course I was frustrated and stuff! And, I'm still hella salty about that shit and- ah." She stopped after realizing what she had just blurted.

"Do you see?" Fiona smiled meaningfully. "Even though you try to pretend as if it is all in the past, it is clear that the outcome of that scrim left a bad aftertaste. You are not satisfied with losing just because the Leopards are the regional champions, and that's how it should be.."

"Yeah." Karen nodded. "I wanna kick their butts!"

"That is why I asked Lua to research them in advance," Fiona explained. "The regionals may still be far away, but it is never too early to prepare."

"Yep, makes sense."

Lua watched the entire exchange with a complicated smile but she said nothing. Shortly, the conversation moved to a different topic.

"They are late," Fiona commented on the whereabouts of the other club members. "Seriously, wasting our precious training time like this..." Fiona muttered. "I will check if they are around. Knowing Andria, she might have stopped nearby."

"Okay," Karen said. "Then, I'mma call Cornelia and check what's up."

"Thank you."

On that note, the sisters set out to pursue the two troublemakers of the club.

Normally, Fiona would use her phone to get in touch with a missing person. However, in Andria's case, it was unlikely to get a response if the girl was in the middle of one of her "gigs".

As expected, the girl was going at it right outside the clubroom. Instead of hurrying to the practice, Andria stood in the middle of the hallway, surrounded by a few younger girls. From a distance, this looked like an image of a popular boy surrounded by fangirls.

Classmancers - A MOBA Esport Story - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now