Vol.16 Ch.14: Dark Majority Vote

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"It appears this bizarre turn of events is stumping our Chessmaster to no end," Vincent said. "In that case, may I propose a suggestion that'll possibly liberate you from this unsolvable dilemma?"

"Shoot," Yuel said.

"If you're unable to come to a decision by yourself, then how about we employ a majority vote?"

"You want everybody to vote on whether they agree with a DK rerun?" Yuel asked.

"Indeed." Vincent nodded. "We all shall cast our votes to decide the fate of the Meme Jedi! Will we grant him the rank of a master and allow him to use his dark meme once again? Or, will he have to switch to a different meme? The Senate will decide his fate."

"Hmm. I suppose that's an option." Yuel nodded. Once again, he had to be reminded that he wasn't carrying the entire team on his shoulders.

Everybody participated in that game, so they had their own opinions and conclusions about it. Therefore, for difficult dilemmas like this, where Yuel couldn't decide on his own, it made sense to rely on his teammates' opinions.

"Then, let us cast our votes!" Vincent raised his hand. "First, everybody who wishes to see the Meme Jedi unleash his Dark Force once again - raise your hands!"

"I can vote too, right?" Luke thrust both hands into the air and waved them around.

"Hrm. This decision revolves around your Meme Force so that surely makes you biased, but I believe your vote should count as much as anybody's in this case. Do you agree, o great Chessmaster?"

"It's questionable but I'm fine with that." Yuel didn't want to waste any more time mulling over random dilemmas. The whole point of this majority vote was to finally reach a decision, so Yuel didn't have time to create any more difficult questions for himself.

"So, we have two votes thus far," Vincent announced. He counted himself and Luke in favor of the Dark Knight strategy.

"Just to make sure," Yuel said. "You're not voting in favor just because it sounds more 'entertaining' or something, are you?"

"I confess, entertainment value indeed plays a big role in this decision," Vincent admitted. "Using this Dark Knight strategy on a competitive stage makes for a far more engaging esports story!"


"However, that's not all!" Vincent added. "There are numerous benefits to using this strategy once more."

"Oh? I'm listening."

"For one, there's psychological warfare," Vincent explained. "The enemy had already suffered one crushing defeat from this strategy, so I'm certain this experience burned itself into their minds. They will not be able to recover easily from this, so a rerun of this strategy should shake them up mentally once more."

"Hmm. I only partially agree," Yuel said. "I'm sure their mental fortitude is strong enough to overcome that kind of trauma, but it's true that this pick will likely ruffle their feathers."

"Indeed it shall! And, then there's also the matter of the enemy's strengths. They are the very epitome of a hyper-defensive team, therefore fighting them with a defensive lineup of our own is a recipe for defeat."

"That's an oversimplification," Yuel said. "But, overall I agree."

"Therefore!" Vincent stretched his arms dramatically. "We must clash against them with the most powerful offense we can muster! We must bust through their shields and thoroughly destroy them! And, as it stands right now, the only class the Meme Jedi can employ for the job is the infamous Dark Knight."

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