Vol.15 Ch.31: Veteran Aggressors

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Stratus arrived at the Mid Golem in an organized formation.

AbsoluteWinner and AbsoluteChallenger were waiting there, ready to defend. They were the only two survivors from the Leopards.

And, Theorist will join them soon. Yuel confirmed by checking the respawn timer. We have to destroy the Golem before she gets here.

"Lars, make sure to zone them out once we invade the Golem."

"Gotcha, dude!"

Before getting to the Golem, their first priority was the incoming minion wave. They had to eliminate the small soldiers first before gaining access to the big boss.

As such, Stratus stopped a little before the Golem area and waited for the minions to come out first. Even though the pushers were in a rush to wrap up this operation, it was necessary to play this smartly and not overexert themselves needlessly.

With that said, they didn't have much time to waste on these minions, either.

"Let's make this quick," Yuel said. "Luke, blast them."

"For real?" Luke grinned. "I thought we'll be saving the big guns for the defenders."

"It's not necessary," Yuel explained. "Those two don't have very good clearing speed, so they won't be able to eliminate our minions too quickly. Besides, Lars will zone them out once we invade."

"Okay, gotcha." Luke did as instructed and unleashed his Dark Blast. Good soldiers followed orders.

WHISH! The enemy squad vanished without a trace as if they were no more but a mirage in the first place.

With this, the path was clear. Stratus' minions advanced onward without slowing down, with the rest of the pushers following from behind.

Against this overwhelming push, the enemy defenders found themselves at a grave disadvantage.

"Dang, they're pulling all the stops!" Ronald grinned. "It gonna be one heck of a challenge to stop these mad lads. I love it!"

"What's there to love?" William asked. "We're most likely going to lose the Golem."

"Nah, we got this! Sonya gonna join us soon, so we're about to kick some serious ass here!"

"You wish."

William wasn't the type to hold onto false optimism, so he could already tell this was a lost battle. Not only did the enemy have superior numbers, but their movements were also swift and sophisticated, two extremes that were delicate to balance. Clearly, they knew exactly what they were doing with this absurd play.

Anybody could tell that there was little to no chance of William and Ronald holding the fort on their own. Ronald was no idiot either, so despite his attitude, he surely understood the odds were severely against them.

Nonetheless, the brat carried on with confidence, reassuring everybody (and himself) that things were going to turn out alright.

Perhaps, this ability to grin happily during the hardest of times was what made Ronald a favorite for becoming the team's captain next year. Just like Cato, Ronald excelled at putting on a smile no matter how rough the situation was.

Is that how captains are expected to be? William wondered. Just smile and pretend that everything is fine? If so, then once again, I'm glad I passed on competing for the role.

Perhaps there was some value for the team when the captain carried himself with such positivity and exhibited unfounded confidence, but William couldn't force himself to do it. Or rather, maybe he could if he really tried to, but he definitely didn't want to.

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