Part 10

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"You know I am going to keep my mouth shut as you have your contractions Logan" Kendall says to him cause he knew Logan and what he was going to turn into when he has his contractions and when he has the babies as well too cause Kendall will be giving him ice chips to keep hydrated the whole time he was having the babies as well it wasn't going to be easy either on Logan either cause the hardest part was coming at some point

Logan was glad when that contraction was over and he was able to relax a little bit before the next contraction started up once again cause that would mean that the birth is getting closer and they were going to be meeting their babies pretty soon and the hard part was going to start for him cause bringing two babies into the world was going to be a lot of work and was going to take a toll on him so he was going to rest between contractions right now cause he was going to need all the strength that he could get to bring the babies into the world cause that was going to be a lot of work on him and if one baby has trouble being born that was going to be more work on his body and he hopes he doesn't have to have a C-section but if the baby or babies are both in trouble they were going to do it cause they could not risk Logan's health or the babies health at all either right now at all which was not good at all either sadly

"Now to chill before another contraction hits and then I'll be fully ready for the babies to come" Logan says as he was chilling right now and he was going to see where the contractions were right now that way he could see when he was going to be delivering the babies cause he was going to see what the time frame might be when he was going to be starting to push the babies out

"Yup wanna walk around the room or the floor again?" Kendall asks after he grabbed something to eat cause he was hungry and he needed some food in his system Logan let him order something and eat it in the room as he coached him

Next chapter is coming on another Wednesday I have off and I'm not breaking ties either or playing catch up

Kogan mpreg one shots: Open and taking request for stories part 2 wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now