Final part

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Logan had Kendall and James get the pool set up for him in one of the rooms in the house and when the time came, they offered to come over and fill up the pool for Logan cause when the time came Logan wanted to labor alone and have the baby alone

"Well Belle sweetheart everything is ready for you to come, so when you are ready mommy is ready" he says as he was looking down at his bump right now

Belle kicks a little bit

"I believe you little lady are staying in there for the time being, and you are going to come when you are good and ready sweetheart" he says as he was going to check out the nursery for her to make sure everything was ready, and he had the right sizes of everything just in case she was small or a little bigger cause he wanted her to be comfortable

Logan had every size for her that she might need, and he had a preemie size just in case she wanted to come earlier

"Well, everything is totally ready for you to come, and all mommy has to do is get your pediatrician lined up for your check-ups and everything, and mommy will go back to the doctor as well to see how mommy is healing after I have you" he says as he was still talking to her as he was rubbing his bump right now

(Weeks later)

Logan was finishing the breakfast dishes when he was hit by a pain in his middle

"I hope this isn't it" he says as he was going to time the pains to see if it was labor pains or if it was false labor cause he has been having false labor off and on lately

Logan saw the pains were coming every thirty minutes, and he was going to see if he was in active labor or not and if he was Belle was going to be born that day and he was going to have his little girl finally after all this time and he was going to hold her

"Okay might as well walk around and get the process going" he says as he was going to change clothes and get ready to labor

Logan got the labor ball out of the closet, and he was going to bounce on that here and there as well to help labor along in case this is the real thing

"Might as well jump on it in the shower" he says as he was going to take the labor ball into the shower so he could bounce as the water ran down hos body to help him relax

Logan stripped down to his boxers, and got in the shower and started to bounce on the labor ball to help keep him calm

(Hours later)

Logan went for a walk around his neighborhood to help speed up labor cause he was not going to be in labor for awfully long either at all and he was going to make sure he had a quick labor as well cause he didn't want to be in pain for too long either with his first baby

"Okay I'm going to see when the last one was" he says as he was going to check the tablet, he was writing on that had how far apart the contractions were and how long they lasted as well cause he just had another one

Logan sees that they were starting to get close together, so he was glad this labor was going as planned as well

"Might as well hit the treadmill for a little run to see if that makes them come faster and closer" he says as he was going to jump on the treadmill and go for a little jog to help things along with the labor process


Logan moved to the birthing pool cause the contractions started to be a minute apart so he knew the baby was going to be born soon and he could not wait to hold her in his arms once she was born and, in the world, as well cause his life will change forever once she was born

"Okay here goes nothing" he says as he started to feel pressure down below

Logan gave every push his all and he gave good and hard pushes before he felt the baby slip from him

"Hi Bella" he says as he pulls Bella from the water after she had been born

Bella cries up a storm after she was taken from her

"Sweetie it's okay" he says as he was holding her

Logan got her cord cut and he was going to get her wrapped up in one of her blankets and he was going to feed her, but she had other plans

"Here we go little one" he says as he was going to nurse her

Box is back opened

Kogan mpreg one shots: Open and taking request for stories part 2 wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now