Part 2

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"Well baby I did not think you are going to be born during a pandemic" Logan says as he was looking do we n at his bump that he had

Logan was getting bored once the lockdown started, so he decided he wanted to have a family cause that was going to make this pandemic more enjoyable, so he went to one of the local clinics and got knocked up, and he was certainly expecting a little girl, and he could not wait to watch her grow up and love life as much as he does cause he enjoys life to the fullest

"Well baby when you tell me you are ready to come out and meet me I gotta go to a special place to have you" he says cause the clinic told him once the baby is ready to be born he has to go to the clinic hospital that is on the other side of town and they will take care of him and the baby

Logan was going to look for names for his girl cause he was in fact clueless on what he wanted to name his pretty girl and a pretty girl deserves a pretty name to be called

"I guess I'm going to name you Belle after Belle from beauty and the beast movie" he says as he had to think of a middle name for her cause he wanted to use P as her middle name as well

Logan was counting down the days till he met Belle cause the weight was killing him cause he could not wait to hold her, cuddle her and everything else as well cause he wanted to be the best dad that he could to her

"Well Belle I guess I might as well get your car seat in the car as well as our bags cause you are too comfortable right now" he says as he was still talking to her

Once Logan had the car seat in as well as the bags in the trunk of the car he decided to go for a drive to help clear his mind, and he had to go to his appointment after his drive cause they were going to decide to see if the baby will come on her own or if they should induce Logan cause he was getting close to his due date with Belle


Logan got out of the car and headed in with his mask on to protect him and Belle from this virus

"Well Belle I get to see you today pretty girl and see when I get to meet you as well" he says as he talked to her before he headed into the clinic

Logan saw that the clinic had been closed down and he had to go to the hospital for any appointments that he had before he has Belle and they were going to tell him what they were going to do if he goes past his due date


Logan got out and he grabbed his mask once again before heading in and he saw the clinic hospital had been closed down as well, so he had to go to the main hospital for appointments

"Okay I'm getting tired of this run around" he says as he got back in to go to the main hospital to check on Belle and see how she was doing

Logan decided to call the main hospital to see if he was scheduled for his appointment and they had him coming in later cause he was a special case as well, so he was going to go home and chill and see if he could have Belle at home cause he was tired of this run around business completely cause he wanted her to to see him for the first time and not a bunch of nurses and a doctor who he did not know as well see her 

"Okay Belle darling mommy has to order everything for the home birth cause I am going to be having you at home" he says as he was looking down at his bump right now 

Logan got home and was going to have some ice cream as well until it was time for his appointment


Logan parked and headed in cause he was a little nervous that he might have started dilating and he was going to have his daughter whether he wanted to have her in the hospital or not 

"Belle I hope you stay in there sweet angel" he says as he was talking to her cause she had been kicking a lot since he came home 

Logan went to where his appointment was and he checked in and sat down and waited to go back and check on Belle and see if she was head down cause that was going to be the sign she was ready  

Kogan mpreg one shots: Open and taking request for stories part 2 wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now