Part 6

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Logan heads for the shower cause he wanted to freshen up as well cause he was all sweaty from his walk cause it was humid outside as well, so a shower was going to feel rather good right about now as well then, he was going to get some sleep as well cause he was tired as well from all of that walking that he did to help with the labor process

"Here is your shower essentials Logan" Kendall says as he gave Logan his shower bag that he needed for his shower so he could get cleaned up as well

"Thanks Kenny I am going to take a good shower" Logan says as he was turning the water to take his shower and freshen up as well before the nurses come back in and check him as well before he gets some sleep cause he will have something to eat before they start the medicine or they will let him labor on his own and give him the epidural if he wants it cause he is going to get the epidural later on to help with the pain cause he will be in bed the whole time playing games or watching TV

Kendall got Logan everything that he needed for his shower cause he was going to make sure he was really clean before ethe nurse comes in to check him and get him hooked up to the monitors as well for the contractions as well cause Logan will probably sleep for a while cause he did a lot of walking to help with labor and if he was far enough along in his labor he was going to get the epidural as well to help with the contractions as well cause his contractions was starting to pick up a little bit as well so he knew he was on the right track as well which is what he liked as well cause he wanted to be able to have a quick and smooth labor and it looked like it was going according to plan for the most part too and he was loving it as well cause he wanted everything to fall into place and not go off the rails as well cause he hears stories of labors not going according to plan and the baby or babies have other plans instead of going according to his plan as well

"Kenny, can I have the labor ball please cause I might bounce as I get my shower cause that might help open me up down there" Logan asks him cause he wanted to bounce a little bit as he was getting his shower as well cause that might help him out

"Sure here you go Logie" Kendall says as he gives Logan the labor ball as well as he was going to get his shower that night before the nurses come in and get him hooked up to the monitors as well cause they wanted to monitor the contractions to see how often they were happening as well cause his doctor was going to be put on call when they hit a certain point and he was going to stay at the hospital as well too in case Logan progresses really quickly and he ends up delivering

Logan started to bounce on the labor ball for the moment as he was in the shower as well and he was liking the water that was falling on him as he was in the shower as well and once he was done in the shower  he got out dried himself out and got into a new hospital  and he was going to go into the bed cause he was tired as could be from all that walking and getting labor to progress as well cause he wanted to have the babies eat and get some sleep all in that order hopefully cause once he had the babies he wanted to have something to eat as well cause he was going to be really hungry after he had the babies, and once he eats he was going to have the babies go down to the nursery and he was going to get some proper sleep and Kendall was going to go home eat, shower and get some sleep as well cause he has not slept good on the hospital couch that was in the room cause Logan got the better bed out of the two of them

"Kendall, can you get the tennis balls from my bag for my back?" Logan asks him cause his back was hurting from the labor so far so that was probably one of the twins pressing on his back at the moment

Kendall got the tennis balls for Logan and started to massage his back cause he was having some back labor with the contractions a little bit and Logan was loving the massage that he was getting from Kendall right now and he was completely and totally relaxed as well so he knew this was going to go good hopefully and his labor was not going to go in a different direction at all and he was going to stay on the course as well and pray it all goes good

"Kendall that is heaven" Logan tells him as he was relaxed

"I figured it would be" Kendall says as he was smiling under his mask right now cause they had to be masked up cause of the virus that was still going around and the hospital stuck to the mask policy for everyone that came into the hospital even the dead had to have a mask on as they were being taken to the morgue

Logan was really relaxed as much as possible and Kendall helped him with his labor as well cause it was going to be a long process for the both of them cause Kendall was going to be with Logan for the long haul with his labor cause it was going to take it's toll on him a lot and he didn't know if he was going to make it through the whole time as well cause the babies might have other ideas on how they wanted to be born cause Logan did ivf to get the babies so the hard part was going to be coming where he had to bring the babies into the world

"Kenny can you get me some ice chips?" Logan asks him cause he was starting to get the munchies and he couldn't have real food so ice chips was it for the time being until he had the babies then he was going to feast like a king cause he went through the whole labor and delivery process, so Kendall promised him all of his favorite foods after he has the babies of course

"Sure ice chips coming right up" Kendall tells him as he was going to go and get the ice chips for Logan to munch on as he was in labor cause normal food was out of the picture completely until he has the babies then he could eat as much as he wants too

More will come hopefully in time

Kogan mpreg one shots: Open and taking request for stories part 2 wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now