Hiding & Disobeying

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"Zel? Zeldris?" Y/n's voice is heard calling out for the raven haired man as she is at the entrance of the door with a (f/c) cloak over her .

"Y/n?" Zeldris questionably called out as the gargoyles went to stone. He smiled, and he rushed towards the stairs to go meet up her.

"Y/n, you're alright! I knew you'd come back!" Zeldris said with happiness as he gone down the stairs quickly and run towards her and he threw his arms around her, and she wrapped her around his neck, embracing him as they pulled away, holding each other's hands.

"You have done so much for me already, zel, but I must ask your help one more time." She begged him with a pleading expression on her face as she gazed into his dark red eyes.

"Yes, anything." He promised, accepting of helping her once again having her smile in appreciation, but her face turn worry.

She went to the entrance of the door, zeldris went to follow her but he halted as his face fallen of seeing her came back with meliodas holding onto a tall man that had ginger hair with a mustache, his eyes blue as he is a friend to y/n and he had him hanging on his shoulder, y/n helped his other side as she looked at him.

"This is meliodas. He's wounded and a fugitive like me. He can't go on much longer. I knew he'd be safe here. Please, can you hide him?" She explained to him with adjure tone in her voice.

"This way." Zeldris gestured, accepting to help her even though he doesn't like meliodas but he will help for her, he lead them upstairs where the tall man had laid him down on a mat as y/n goes on her knees, sitting beside him as his friend whos escanor stepped away, she give him an grateful smile to the ginger man who nodded.

Meliodas groans out in pain and exhaustion, he open his green eyes, glancing up at her. "Y/n?" He muttered out her name softly.

The (h/c) haired gently shushed him, her finger lightly on his lip as she gaze down at him. "You'll hide here until you're strong enough to move." She said, placing a hand on meliodas shoulder as zeldris frown, not liking the moment between them as he was getting a bitter feeling in his chest.

Y/n grabbed a sack of wine from her cloak and took it out. She uncorked it by using her teeth as the blonde man grinned of seeing the drink. "Great. I could use a drink." He joked only for his face to fallen when he saw her lowering it over his wound, having him prepare the pain.

She poured the alcohol over his injury, causing meliodas to hissed in agony, shutting his eyes as his face filled with pain from burning sensation of the alcohol.

"Yes. Mmm. Feels like a 1470 burgundy. Not a good year." He looked up the ceiling then his wound as y/n huffed gently, smiling lightly then she grabbed a needle and thread, putting the string in the needle as she lowered his shirt to show his wound on his shoulder.

"That family owes you their lives." She told him as she stitched his injury carefully and meliodas wince in pain of it, but he handled it as he let her fix his injure. "You're either the single bravest soldier I've seen or the craziest." She compliment with a grin.

"Ex-soldier, remember?" Meliodas reminded her with a smirk as he looked at Y/n. "And why is it, whenever we meet, I end up bleeding?" He commented, letting out a sigh.

Y/n rolled her eyes, smiling gently and finished stitching his wound then she cut the string before gazing at him with soft (e/c) eyes "You're lucky, that arrow almost pierced your heart."

Meliodas grabbed her hand, placing it on his chest where his heart was beating against her hand, she blushes lightly of seeing this. "I'm not so sure it didn't." He gently told her, and her face softened as

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