The New Arrival Of The Captain Of The Guards

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Down in the city, a young short man with blonde hair and green emerald eyes with a handsome face, the young man is named meliodas as he was walking through the streets next to his white horse holding a map and looking a bit confused.

He turned the map around a bit. "Hmm. Uh-uh." He crumbled the map up in frustration, letting out a sigh.

"You leave town for the second time, and they change everything." He scoffed, frowning, looking at his horse who looked at him."I don't want to keep the master waiting, and he can be an impatient master sometimes." He knew that abaddon would not appreciate him being late.

Just then, two soldiers where one that is tall and had a red mustache and green eyes thats named galand and other one that is a bit short than the tall man, he had dark eyes with a purple beard and mustache, his name is fraudrin as they had walked past the man that tried to get there attention.

"Excuse me, gentlemen, I'm looking for the Palace of Justice. Would you..." they walked away before he could finish, either ignoring him or didn't hear him."Mmm. I guess not." He huffed.

Meliodas began to walk along the street with his horse, holding the rein, further up ahead, some gypsies and a woman were performing for money. A little girl saw them and started to run up to them with curiosity and interest in her eyes, but her mother pulled her away, keeping a good grip on her daughter's hand.

"Stay away, child. They're gypsies. They'll steal us blind." She warned her daughter, walking past them with a revolting expression on her face.

One gypsy man was playing an instrument of a flute, sitting down, while another that is a woman was playing the tambourine while her pink fur goat danced around the hat they used for money.

The woman playing the tambourine had (h/l), (h/c) hair, and the most beautiful (e/c) eyes and had lovely (s/c) skin as she wore a long (f/c) skirt that reach above her ankles with one slit on the side, a (f/c) top that is off shoulder v-neck, showing her shoulders with long sleeves that reached to her elbow, and had (jewelry/choice) on her.

She may not look like a gypsy but people think she is because of her being with them since, after all, she was taken care of by them when she had no family.

When meliodas with his horse passed them, he halted as he looked at them, abaddon may have told him about these gypsies being bad and all but he sometimes tend to forget abaddon warning of staying away from them and not interact with them.

Meliodas tossed some coins in the hat before he gazed up at the young woman with a smile before it faded, a light blush forming on his cheeks of seeing the beautiful woman who turn around, her (e/c) eyes connecting with his greens ones, she had a smile on her lips, giving him a grateful look to him.

Meliodas slowly smiled, he couldn't helped but admired of how beautiful and lovely she is, he then remembered of what his master told him about gypsies making his eyes widened a bit and shook his head lightly, frowning but he couldn't help but kept gazing at her with soft eyes.

Above them, a little boy whistled, signaling that guards were coming their way. The young woman gasped, and the goat picked up the hat that had the coins in it, but they fell out as he ran.

The goat bleat towards his owner, motioning her about the coins that fell off having her to look over, and her eyes widened a bit.

The (h/c) haired woman went back to collect the coins while the other gypsy had already run off and she tried to pick all of them up, but two guards, fraudrin and galand stepped in front of her, and she glared up at them, angrily.

"Alright gypsy. Where'd ya get the money?" One guard demanded, grabbing the hat as he glared at the woman who narrowed her eyes.

"For your information, I earned it." She snapped, pulling the hat away from his grip.

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