One Day Out There

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Abaddon looked down at the young man with a sinister expression. Zeldris backed away from him nervously, letting out a quiet gasp as he gulped.

"Oh, g-good m-morning, Master." He stuttered, fidgeting his fingers.

"Dear boy, whomever are you talking to?" Abaddon asked, gazing at the small man as he stood beside the gargoyles that had turned to stone when they had seen abaddon

"My...friends." He answered quietly, looking away before turning to his master with a nervous expression on his face.

"I see." The man looked at the stone gargoyles, knocking on cusack head."And what are your friends made of, zeldris?" He turn to the raven haired man.

"Stone." He replied sheepishly, his head lowered down as he had his eyes down to the ground with an embarrassed look on him.

The tall man goes to him and lifts zeldris's head by grabbing his jaw.

"Can Stone Talk?" He raised his eyebrows, keeping zeldris eyes on him.

"No, it can't." He answered, frowning as he looked at him. "That's right. You're a smart lad." Abaddon compliment with a grin, letting go of zeldris jaw.

Abaddon went over and sat at a table, placing the basket down on the ground, intertwining his hands together, and had his hands rest on his lap.

"Now, lunch." He told him, watching as Zeldris rushed off to grab dishes, holding a wooded tray that had the dishes of his and abaddon, and he set the table. The young man got a wooden plate and cup while abaddon got a silver plate and cup, and he placed the items on the table.

"Shall we review your alphabet today?" Abaddon asked, grabbing a book.

"Oh, yes Master. We would like that very much." Zeldris nodded, sitting on the chair.

"Very well." He told him, as the old man grabbed a bottle of wine. "'A'?" He asked, opening the wine, taking out of the cork.

"Abomination." He answered as abaddon poured the red liquid onto the wooden cup of zeldris.

Abaddon grin a bit, nodding of him getting that correct. "'B'?" He pour himself some wine. "Blasphemy." Zeldris said, slowly smiling of him getting the alphabet correct.

"'C'?" He asked, putting the cork back in the wine bottle. "Contrition." Zeldris answered as abaddon put the wine back in the basket.

"'D'?" The dark eyed man grabbed his cup, lifting it up from the table.

"Damnation." Zeldris grinned a bit, looking at his master. "'E'?"

"Eternal Damnation." Zeldris corrected again of the letter having abaddon nod and lifted the cup to his lips.

"Good. "'F'?" Abaddon questioned, taking a sip of his wine. "Festival." Zeldris said without thinking, and his words caused abaddon to spit his wine out in surprised of what he heard. "Excuse me?" He said with bitter in his tone, using a napkin on his lips.

"F-Forgiveness." The young mam corrected, realizing his mistake as he looked at his master with a fearful look on him as he gripped the edge of the table.

"You said, 'festival.'" Abaddon growls lowly, narrowing his eyes as he slams the book closed.

"No!" The raven haired man countered with a dreadful and worried expression on his face as his master sat up from his seat, putting away the book.

"You are thinking about going to the festival?" Abaddon made his way down the stairs, zeldris getting off the chair and following him.

"I-It's just that you go every year." He stuttered a bit as he explained, looking at him.

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