Not A Monster

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Y/n had followed zeldris up a ladder and gasped in awe at his living space, her face filled with impression of the model city on the table and the colorful glass shreds on the ceiling that's sparkling from the sunlight.

"What is this place?" She asked, walking over to it while zeldris is hiding behind the wooden pillar, watching y/n as he does feel shy and nervous around someone that's beautiful like y/n.

"This is where we live." He answered her quietly, continuing peeking out behind the wooden pillar.

Y/n looked at all the crafts and the miniature model of the city. He had done with amazement on her features, hawk followed beside her as he looked at the furgines on the table.

"Did you make all of these things yourself?" She questioned with awed. She kept examining them with a smile on her lips.

"Most of them." He answered to her, gazing at her with his crimson eyes.

The (h/c) haired woman gently touched the glass colorful hand-crafted chandelier that gently made tinking sound. "This is beautiful. If I could do this, you wouldn't see me dancing in the streets for coins." She crouched down to get a better view of the model city.

"But you're a wonderful dancer." Zeldris complimented her with a smile, a light blush on his cheeks, but his words brought a soft blush on her face, her heart warmed up as she smiled warmly at him "thank you." She told him softly, gazing over her shoulder to him.

"Well, it keeps bread on the table." She shrugged, and gave him a flirtatious smile, a wink to him which had zeldris blushed deepened, his heart softened as he couldn't help but feel flutter of her being this flirty to someone like him.

Y/n smiled, she thought that his flustered expression is adorable then she sae the cloth covering something "What's this?" She gestured them, and she went to reach them, causing zeldris to panick.

"Oh! No, please!" He pleaded, running out from his hiding spot to her.

"I-I-I'm not finished, I still have to paint them!" He told her, trying to stop her from lifting the cloth.

But Y/n had already lifted the cloth anyway and saw two unfinished figurines that she seemed to recognize.

"It's the blacksmith and the baker!" She chuckled, grinning as she grab one of the figurine to examine them, hawk gaze down the figurines of the sheeps and shepherd, he smiled and took a bite of one of the sheeps, eating it "You are a surprising person zeldris." Y/n place the blacksmith figure on the table, facing the black haired man."Not to mention, lucky. All this room to yourself." She gestured the room.

"It's not just me. There's the gargoyles and, of course, the bells." Zeldris said, gesturing the bells that ring and echoed through the room. "Would you like to see them?" He asked with a happy smile.

"Yes, of course. Wouldn't we hawk?" The woman asked her pet goat, looking over at him, who quickly put the shepherd in his mouth and already had eaten all of the sheeps.

"Follow me, I'll introduce you." Zeldris led y/n to a higher level where all the bells were with an excited look on him.

"I never knew there were so many." She said with awed, climbing up the higher level with hawk behind her.

"That's little Sophia. And Jeane-Marie, Anne-Marie, Louise-Marie. Triplets, you know." He listed, climbing the bells showing which bells are named.

"And who's this?" Y/n motion to the giant bell. She looked up at a giant bell.

"Big Marie." He answered, getting himself down, then y/n goes under the large bell."Hello!" She yelled into it, causing it to let out a resonate sound. She chuckled with a happy smile as she looked over at zeldris, who went over to her with a smile.

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