Chapter 53: Saving A Chainsmoker

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Currently right now Yato could be found in the Hokage office looking beyond annoyed, as the main thing is that is truly one of his greatest enemies is that of paper work.

"Jeez....why in the hell do being Hokage come with so much paper work. I honestly gotta blame you, old man Hashirama" Yato said looking at the picture of  Hashirama on the wall.

"What was the whole purpose of being Hokage, if it does nothing but give me paper work!" Yato yelled out as he had been getting so much paper work to the point he just want to burn it all.

"Also what good is a point of a feudal lord, their butts do nothing but sit around and act like they are important" Yato said as he doesn't like the feudal lord.

As the thing is a feudal lord or better know as a daimyō is responsible for all decisions concerning their country, from alliances to the annual budget to the privileges allowed to the country's hidden village. Daimyō are therefore one of the single most important individuals in the entire country and hold the highest degree of political power.

Which is something that Yato, does not agree with at all which is something both him and his grandfather had in common.

With both Yato and Madara having in common is that of the main factor that they don't respect, rich privileged people who don't do anything but watch other's get their hands dirty.

Yato still remembers the time he had even threatened, the feudal lord about a year ago due to a comment he said about Madara.

(Flashback One Year Ago)

Currently right now Yato could be seen walking down a hallway, as recently the feudal lord had requested a meeting about a month ago which the Uchiha man has been pushing this off to the side not finding it as important.

Which then Yato had walked into the meeting room, looking to see the feudal lord who could now be seen being very annoyed.

"Where have you been?! The meeting was supposed to be an hour ago!" the feudal lord yelled out at Yato who had then let out a sigh and had then sat down in a chair and kicked up his legs and placed them on a table.

"You need to remember one thing, your the one who requested to meet me. Which means that you are on my time and my time is actually really important so speed it up" Yato said as he began leaning  back against the chair.

This caught the feudal lord off guard as he's been around for two Hokage's, that being both the Third and Fourth Hokage and none of them ever acted like this around him, so he was just left speechless.

"If all you plan on doing is simply, looking like a clown then I'll just take my leave" Yato said as he was about to get up and go.

"N-No wait there is something we, need to discuss and talk about! That being the budget for all of these recent missions, squads, and equipment it's going over the budget!" the feudal lord said which made Yato look at him weirdly.

"What the hell are you on about?" Yato asked, this made the feudal lord grin feeling as if he has gained something over the Uchiha man.

"Well my young man, the budget is something that is a spending plan based on income and expenses" the feudal lord said with a smug look on his face.

"Ohhh....I think you honestly thought I was born yesterday, don't worry unlike you, some of us Uchiha still keep our looks. Also you honestly tried to disrespect my intelligence, truly you don't understand the fact that smart people do not say that they are smart because we know we are, so if you come at my intelligence again use a better vocabulary" Yato said as he had grinned and stilled leaned back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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