(Walker Scobell) hate or love? part two

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key guide
y/n=your name
y/n/n=your nickname

y/n and walker are enemies at school but when y/n needs walkers help what will he do...

-walker's pov-

y/n came over about an hour ago and now she's just watching me play a game with brady.

i asked if she wanted to play or anything but she just shook her head and said she sucked at games.

she was just lying on my bed staring at me almost in a daze.

she had bruises on her arms and the cuts she got were now bandaged, but i was still worried about her.

she always told me that she hated going home after school and that her dad was a horrible person.

i felt terrible about leaving my girl and i wish i came back to her sooner.

"hey, walker," she said softly and i swear her voice is the best thing i've ever heard. "can i borrow one of your hoodies?"

"yeah, of course." i say, my voice barely above a whisper.

she got up, went to my closet, picked a random hoodie, and put it on.

it was a bit big on her but she seemed to like it.

i have to say that i love seeing her wear it.

she mutters a thanks and sits back on my bed, snuggling into the corner by the wall.

i didn't even notice i was staring until she looked up at me with confusion all over her face.

"what?" she asks.

"uh, nothing." i clear my throat and look back to my game.

she brushed it off and started scrolling through her phone.

"hey, y/n/n, you want to watch a movie?" i ask turning off my game and coming over to the bed.

"sure." she says.

"what do you want to watch?" i ask while sitting down and grabbing the tv remote.

"deadpool?" she says with a small smile.

"yes!" i say a huge grin spreading across my face.

we both sat down on my bed watching deadpool, me reciting it while y/n gave me weird looks.

close to the end, i felt y/n's head fall on my shoulder and her breathing evening out.

i turned off the movie, moving y/n and me to laying down positions.

she was sleeping on my chest with an arm wrapped around my torso while i held her in my arms, playing with her hair.

the only thing i could think about was protecting my girl and if that meant never letting her go home and having an endless sleepover i would be more than happy with that.

i think that night i had the best sleep ever.

i don't know how i feel about this one...
sorry for how short it is😓

Walker Scobell/Percy Jackson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now