(Percy Jackson) water

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here's a percy jackson imagine!

panic attack, drowning, and percy being an idiot

key guide
y/n=your name
y/n/n=your nickname
y/g/p=your godly parent
y/s/n=your sibling name
m/p=mortal parent

y/n is scared of water, a bit ironic since her best friend is the son of poseidon...

-y/n's pov-

"y/nnnn!" i heard my best friend call me from outside my cabin.

"yes, percy?" i say as i walk out of the y/g/p cabin.

"come on, we're going swimming!" he said smiling at me like a puppy.

"i can't right now..." i say. "i'm uh busy."

i'm actually not busy, the truth is i'm terrified of water. it's called aquaphobia, it's quite common. i'm not afraid of small amounts but more of the bigger ones like lakes or oceans...

"you are not!" percy said pouting. "i asked y/s/n if you were doing anything and they said you weren't!"

"percyyyyy," i whined. "i don't want to swim."

"too bad." percy said putting his hands on his hips. "we're going. now go change!"

i groaned but knew there was nothing i could do to change his mind.

i went back into the y/g/p cabin and grabbed my bathing suit and changed into while trying to come up with a plan to get out of swimming

"hurry up, y/n/n." percy said and i walked out.

"shut up! i don't even want to go swimming!" i say as i walked over to him.

"stop pouting. come on, we'll have fun!" percy said grabbing my hand and basically dragging me towards the lake.

"do i have to?" i said already getting nervous and i can't even see the water yet!

"yes, y/n!" percy said with a laugh. "we never swim."

"you swim all the time." i say.

"yes, but not with you." he says rolling his eyes.

"whatever, peter." i say with a small smirk.

i've been calling him peter johnson ever since mr d called him that.

i see the lake and almost choke on air. that would've been embarrassing...

i swear my heart is about to explode but percy seems fine. better than fine he looks refreshed. like just seeing the lake gives him strength while it gives me the exact opposite.

percy let go of my hand, which did not help, and ran over to the water and jumped in.

i stood there staring at the lake.

Walker Scobell/Percy Jackson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now