(Walker Scobell) the silent treatment

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key guide
y/n=your name
y/n/n=your nickname
y/f/m=your favorite movie

y/n is giving her boyfriend(walker) the
silent treatment...

i'm at my boyfriends house right now and he's playing a video game.

i've been here for three hours and all he's been doing is playing his game with his friends.

and he invited me! i wouldn't have come over if i knew he would be on the game the whole time.

i've just been sitting on his bed watching tiktok's but i'm slowly getting bored.

i sigh and put my phone down and stare at him while he continues to play.

this is annoying. i could be doing anything else but instead i'm here doing nothing!

i'm just gonna leave. i mean he'll probably not even notice that i'm gone.

i get up and grab my stuff. before i go i look back at him and he's still glued to the game.

i don't even say goodbye. i know he'll try to get me to stay and i can't say no to him.

-walkers pov-

"yes!" i say as i get a victory.

i look back to my bed to say something to y/n but she isn't there.

"hey, guys i'm gonna go." i say and say bye to everyone.

"y/n?" i say as i get up and look around.

i go to leena's room and go in to see leena laying on her bed on her phone.

"hey, leena." i say. "do you know where y/n is?"

"she left." leena said looking at me with an annoyed expression. "because you were ignoring her."

"what?" i say. "i wasn't ignoring her."

"did you say anything to her while you were busy with your game?" leena asked.

i didn't answer, because i didn't. i didn't talk to her at all...

"go apologize you idiot." leena said and threw a pillow at me.

i walk out and text y/n but she wasn't responding.

i felt really bad because i know how much she hates being ignored.

i really am an idiot.

i decide to go to her house. i mean what's the worse thing that could happen?

-y/n pov-

i'm ignoring walker.

he texted me a lot but i haven't even looked at them.

i'm just gonna read my book and lay in bed forgetting about him.

wait! no way she did that...

i hear a knock on the door and since i'm the only one home right now i get up and go see who it is.

i open the door to see walker standing smiling nervously.

i just stare at him with a blank expression.

"i'm really sorry, y/n." he says. "i didn't mean to ignore you."

i ignore him and walk back to my room.

"y/n?" i can hear him say following me.

i sit on my bed and continue reading my book.

he walks in and sits on the bed with me but i don't even look up to acknowledge him.

-walkers pov-

she's mad... i mean of course she's mad but she's never ignored me before.

she's been mad at me before but i've never seen her this mad.

"y/n/n," i say. "i'm sorry."

she sighs and continues to read.

-y/n's pov-

he's sorry.

that's all he says?!

not "i'm really sorry for ignoring you for some stupid game. you're the best girlfriend ever and i'm a stupid idiot"?

he grabs the book from me and tosses it across the room.

he looks kind of mad.

why is he mad?!

i just grab my phone and get on tiktok.

"y/n." he says. he kinda sounds like he's whining.

he grabs my phone puts it behind him.

"hey!" i say finally looking at him.

"i'm really sorry." he said as he stared into my eyes.

i kind of felt bad for ignoring him and i stared back at him. i already forgave him but he looks really cute right now.

why do i always forgive people so easily?

"you know you invited me over." i say getting a little mad. "and then you ignored me."

"i know, i know." he says running a hand through his hair. "i'm really sorry."

i sigh, "i forgive you."

he smiled and hugs me.

"you wanna watch a movie or something?" he asked and i smiled.

"yeah, sure." i say as we both get comfortable on my bed. "what do you want to watch?"

"how about y/f/m?" he asked smiling at me.

i smiled and hugged him again.

he actually remembered my favorite movie.

he turns it on and we cuddled together while watching it.

"hey, y/n?" he said as i was falling asleep.

"yeah?" i ask.

"i love you." he says and smiles at me.

"i love you too." i say and smile back at him.

we both ended up falling asleep during the movie and missing the best part but we were both still happy.

although when we woke up i made walker rewatch it with me...

Walker Scobell/Percy Jackson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now