(Walker Scobell) hate or love?

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abuse, blood, alcohol, and fighting with parent.

key guide
y/n=your name
y/l/n=your last name

y/n and walker are enemies at school but when y/n needs walkers help what will he do...

walker and y/n were once friends back in the third grade.

but then walker got a big ego, which kept getting bigger as more girls started liking him and he got more popular, and he ended up ditching y/n.

he didn't exactly mean to ditch her but it just kind of happened.

y/n was sad at first then mad. she kept a grudge against him for leaving her alone.

because she's always been alone until walker came along, and he knew that.

y/n's mom wasn't around, her mom left her in the middle of the night, and her dad was always out at clubs or bars.

she also didn't have much friends.

only walker and a few other people.

none knew about her home life except walker. and he ended up leaving her like everyone else.

-present time(10th grade)-

"hey, y/n." madison, y/n's friend, said walking over to the lunch table y/n was currently sitting at.

beside madison was violet and robin aka y/n's only friends.

"hi, maddy." y/n says while the three sit down and she says hi to violet and robin too.

they all talk until madison calls over her boyfriend aryan.

y/n inwardly groans as aryan and his friends walk over.

and you can probably guess who one of his friends are. walker scobell.

"what's up, madison?" aryan says sitting down next to her and wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"nothing much." madison says as she glances over to y/n.

all y/n's friends and walkers friends know about the feud that walker and y/n have.

they argue over simply things and just argue over nothing sometimes.

"hi, aryan." y/n says with a fake smile as his friends sit down at the lunch table.

and of course y/n had the worst luck because walker sat by her.

"hey, y/n." aryan says with a nervous glance to walker.

"what's up, school bell?" i say side eyeing him.

"nothing much, y/l/n." he mutters not even bothering to look at me.

y/n turns her attention to violet who was on her other side and they start talking about having a sleepover.

Walker Scobell/Percy Jackson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now