the first day

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hope:hey dani.. um its getting dark and we should eat soon..

dani:(fuck im so hungry I really wished I ate this morning)

(she didn't hear hope)

hope:Dani?! hello!


hope:I only called your name calm down .. im taking a sandwich alright you can have the other half if your hungry..

dani:okay sorry but thanks,

hope:no problem? *she looks confuesd*

{12 hours have passed sins the apocalypse happened)

hope:its getting darker we should sleep soon

dani:your right .. im done with your bow by the way I don't trust you yet with a knife

hope:oh okay thats fine..

dani:hope.. why did you use the blanket to cover the bodies

hope:because they stink

dani:yeah and now I have no blanket to sleep under anymore!

hope:we could cuddle up toghter?
*she laughs*

dani:what no I don't trust you.. id rather get frost bite (weird..but okay)

hope:wait we can use other students jackets!

dani:with zombies roaming outside no thank you im good..

hope:(shit why did I do that I wanna actually kill her or myself now..)

*dani lays down on a table*

dani:hope what are you like? or were?

were you pessimistic or a optimist?

hope:why do you ask?

dani:nevermind im going to sleep

hope:okay ! but usely im optimistic but in this situation I don't know

dani:do what you want i don't really care aslong as you don't anoy the fuck out of me because I will consider murder and can do it without consequences.

hope:wow calm down there i don't know where that came from ,but okay thanks?(why is she so changing i can't tell if she's being caring or threatening to kill me.. I ll see where this goes..)

dani:nah just reminding you that there are no rules

*hope goes to lay on a other table*

hope:(no rules..yeah)

hope:good night?

dani:you to

*hope falls asleep*

*dani lies awake*

dani:(I hate change.. why now)

{16 min has passed and dani finally fell asleep the next morning ,dani woke up first}

*dani grabs a sandwich and brakes it in half*

dani:hope wake up grab this

hope:wha- *a sandwich hits her face*


dani:(a sign that I still don't trust you)
you hade to wake up

hope:waking me up kindly is also a choice..?

dani:im not your grandmother.

hope:.. can we not talk about about that..

dani: sorry I didn't know really! it was a joke I didn't mean it that way!
(fuck I fucked up)

hope:no its fine but I never knew them
they left my mom when she was pregnant from me she was a teen mom..

dani:oh sorry to hear that well sorry for bringing it up but you should eat because I made a plan to travel

hope:oh yeah?

dani:no I didnt.*sarcasm*


dani:sarcastic but I did make a plan,
(she talks fast)
okay so we can go to the teacher lounge and grab their car keys or we actually go to my old teachers office she probably also have a key but I know nothing about cars but do know how to drive them!

understood?*she gasps*

hope:partly yeah but it sounds like a ..good..plan??

dani:we'll just look for car keys thats it.


dani:stay behind me

*dani opens the door readying her weapon*

dani:Holy shit thats alot of zombies we have to make a run for it *she grabs hopes arm and they run upstairs to her English teachers classroom*

(as they ran hope thoughts were)

hope:(IS SHE THINKING JUST MAKING A RUN FOR IT?? WITH WHO KNOWS HOW FAST THESE ZOMBIES ARE ?? ... ew did she chop that to<zombie>on this moment i feel like im the victim here..)

{they arive at the class room}

dani:(here's her bag!)
*she searchs tru it*




*dani grabs her arm and run to the end of the hall*

(a zombie runs up on hope)


*dani kicks the zombie off and chops his middle part and then the head*

hope:thanks..(I almost died..)

dani: quick go inside the bathroomstals

{they run inside and close the door}

dani:That was close sorry I almost got you killed *she breaks off a door of the stall so that it can block the door*

hope:.. you are really really stupid..

dani:thanks step away from the window

hope:why?- HOLY SHIT

*dani starts breaking the window*


dani:come quick the heard us!

{she jumps out the window landing on a lower part of the building}

<its a 2 story building>

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