the girl

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{as they ran in one of the classrooms they lock themself's up and hid from
the zombies they would go away after a while}

dani:who are you?

the girl:I prefer not to say ...

dani:why not.. never mind .. just don't follow me and here is a tip

don't trust anyone.

*dani stands up*

the girl:please I don't want to die not now ill tell my name!

dani:now you want to say it? why are you so hesitant about saying your name it not like I'd judge or steal your digital footprint or something but okay..

the girl:wow thats rude sorry i don't wanna say my name to a stranger i met 6 minutes ago

dani:good point but don't forget YOU sade to me "please I have no hope - whatever you sade

the girl:wow are you like that to everyone you meet?

dani:yes in this situation,so are you going to say your name or did you make up your mind?

the girl:this "situation" has only bin going on for like 2 hours i feel like you've always bin this way...

but my name is Hope

dani:AHAHA thats why so did you lose yourself to or just your hope?
sorry was very rude no offense.

Hope:you've bin rude these entire 7 minutes.

dani:right but im gonna go have a great depressing apocalypse experience

hope:one question are you infected? there is blood all on you?

dani:no I hope not but i did kill someone.

hope:oh was it a teacher or students.

dani:now is not the time are you going to come with me or not?! because i don't give second chances.

hope:fine but i have no weapon

dani:of course just follow me and dont pull away when i grab okay?

hope:understood but why?

*dani glares at her*


{they walk back to the stairs where they met}


*she walks down the stairs readying her weapon*

{she open the back door to the cafetiera food supplies and stuffs in what she could hope does the same}

*dani grabs hopes arm and runs upstairs*

dani:they found us.

{dani runs with hope back to the classroom where she made her weapon hoping she won't run into the zombies}

dani:we actually made it *she breaths loudly* wait.. huff

hope:are you okay

dani:im fine *she locks the door again

hope:Holy shit what happend here..
*she throws up*

{she looks at the decapitated bodies}


hope:who would do this.. *she wipes of her mouth*

dani:you made this room smells a 100 times more *as she looked for supplies to build a weapon*

hope:did you do this? because it pretty obvious they did not get eaten

dani:I did their assholes they were in my class and wanted to kill me first so i swung my axe sword at them.

hope:oh.. *she finds a blanket and throws a blanket over the bodies*

(dani was making hope a weapon until hope asked what started all this)

dani:I honestly don't know

*hope sits down and starts crying*

(dani ignores the crying )

hope:i don't know your name-

dani:my name is dani..

hope:i wasn't finished but thank you..

(dani stayed silent)

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