the car

8 0 1

{after they both jumped out the window they tried to get up a higher building}


(hope stood on her hand and cilmbs up and then grabs dani's hand to pull her up)

dani:thanks for pulling me up

hope:*she takes a deep breath*
thanks for almost getting me killed(I also could've just dropped her shes not the nicest fucking person(

dani:okay so... *she crawls to the edge to look at all the cars*
(Holy shit were high up)
*she quickly backs up*

hope:are you afraid of heights?

dani:yes,no? pick your favourite awnser

hope:okay smart ass then why are we on the roof if you have a fear of heights, you hade a plan right?

dani: im not afraid of heights ..but we just have to get down there..

hope:why are you denying it you stood by the edge for 2 seconds and already backed up?

dani:what if you suddenly decided to push me down?

hope:well I didn't? and didn't I just help you get up here i could've also just let you get eaten..

dani:yea alright thanks.. (I cant tell if I hate her or not but how do we get down)

hope: dani how are you..

dani:awfull and you

hope:im okay.. so dani how was your life before this?

dani:I'd rather keep that to myself.. but im trying to find a way down so I have to look around on the roof for away down to the car

hope:okay.. do I stay here or do you want me to come with you?

dani:stay here ill be back soon
*she climbs up the side*

(she starts looking for the lowest part off the building where there aren't many zombies roaming)

hope:*she lays down on her back*
(I could steal form her .. no no not a good idea but whats up with this girl i really ask myself why she can't trust me do I look that untrustable?)

{2 minutes have past}

AAHH! thats fast-

dani:ssh follow me

(she grabs hopes hand to help her get up the side but keeps holding her arm)

hope:(why is she acting like im some 6 years old kid?) *she can't help but notice that shes holding her arm*

hey dani can you let go??..

dani:sorry my bad (oh hell nah this made it a hundred times more awkward)

hope:(she looks embarrassed?)

{they arive at the lower part of the building}

dani:stay very silent there are a few zombies around *she whispers*

{dani hangs on the side with on hand holding her axe and jumps down}

dani:*she signs with her head so hope can jump down*

hope:*she grabs her bow and puts it over her head and hangs on the side and drops but trips*

(dani catches her and grabs her hand and runs away to the car)

hope:(what the fuck just happend)

{they ran to the car and dani opened the car and sits down}


{hope gets in and dani starts the car and switches to back up and drives away}

hope:you know how to drive?

dani:not really i just know how to use a switch and a gas peddle

hope:that was close.. I want to know you better dani.. so-

dani:spill it out

hope:what were you doing in the first 5 minutes

dani:I stayed behind in the classroom and grabbed a broom so I could defend myself but somehow a zombie already came up the stairs and jumped my teacher who's car this is from and ran down stairs to the classroom we slept in
and I immidently started work on my weapon I knew where all the stuff was..

*she keeps driving trying to dodge the cars and the few zombies*

dani:any other questions?

hope: .. can I stay by your side I really don't know where to go and I doubt that the army would help us

dani:sure.. im going to my grandparents house the have some stuff we could use.. but that your coming with me doesn't mean I trust you yet

dani:so tell me what class were you from because I've never seen you before?

hope:*she looks scared* oh ha ha um im a transfer student.. yeah I just came to the school I was failing my old school so I came here..

dani:oh yeah? .. that could be ,one of the bitches in my class was also failing but it was probably because he had major issues

hope:oh.. thats awfull

dani:soort of but what class were you going to be in?

hope:2A! (right ? please stop asking)

dani:that's a very chill class, im from 2D
(shes acting weird probably because its so awkward here..)

{they arrive at the grandparents house}

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