April - Everything so Hopeless

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Sitting next to this child is depressing, because she cries, and I feed off of her emotions.

I wonder how this fire in my hand is burning, is there even oxygen in this place?

"Why are you still here?" She asked, sniffling.

"Cause you're a child and there's only teenager ghosts and up here," I told her truthfully. Maybe the truth will get us further. "What's your name?" Even though I already fully know that she's probably Carly.


At least people want her, like her parents or relatives.. I don't think Gael want to see me again considering I might've killed his other bestie. My parents definitely forgot about me.

"How did you die?" I continued.

"My mommy and daddy forgot about me in a trip to the Amazon jungle and I died there," She cried. 

Yo what the heck? Shitty parents.

"I have 100 other siblings, so I'm not very significant."

That's a lot of siblings.

"The jungle sickness took me."

So is she like a child in an older time where they keep having children in case a few of them turn out to be failures?

"What about you?" She looked at me with her big eyes.

"I ummm uuuh... fall off a bridge and drown. No actually I jumped off. The world isn't very great in the future," I told her.

"Oh that sucks. No flying horses?"


We sat there in silence. Kira scooted closer to me. "What's your power? I can make portals and teleport. It doesn't take me home, but I can travel."

"I don't know yet."

"Oh you will," She assured me, "Even if it only take effect on living humans, you will. It's a feeling."

The band of the earlier ghosts came back to us.

"GREAT NEWS!" Dorothy exclaimed, "WE'RE ADOPTING YOu- IS THAT THE CHILD?" She pointed at Kira.

"Kira? Yeah?"


I rolled my eyes, "So you're jealous of her because her power works?"

"Yeah! I also don't like Cassius much but we keep him around cause he's useful!" She explained, as Pauline held her back gently. "Or Bob!"

That's when a great idea hit me. This child can teleport.

And of course these 4 would help out because they really want to get revenge on the human- or I guess the living.

"Guys she could help us get out!" I exclaimed. They all looked at me as if I'm crazy, I'm not crazy.

"Um. HOW?" Bob demanded. Everyone didn't seem convinced either.

"Fire, please!" I told Cassius. He sighed and made more fire from the tip of his hand and flare from his nostril.

I then turned to Kira, "Kira, can you show me how you teleport?"

She nodded and drew a pentagram in the air with her finger. It leave behind a glowing trail of white. Then she drew another pentagram on her other side, identical to the first.

After that, she sticks her hand into one of them, and it appeared from the other. So those are her portals.

"There's no way of getting out you know," She told me, "I need to make a portal from the human side to be able to get there. And to do that, I need to be on the human side and here at the same time." She waved her hand through the portals to make them fade.

That's not cool.

"Give it up!" Bob said, "If there's a way out, we would've been out by now! You're not a hero." He turned away.

Nuh uh Bob, I am the hero. I'm literally the protagonist you can't be saying that.

I'm not gonna give up yet. I am NOT spending my afterlife in a depressing void forever.

"Okay okay.... what if someone else from the other side make a portal? Would it work?"

"Honey, people draw pentagrams everyday. None of them could connect. Living beings aren't magical yet," Pauline told me.

"Okay... what if the person is magical?" If Gael could somehow get the message, it should works. Right?

"How would you tell them?" Dorothy question, turning to Bob, "Hey Bob! Don't float away! It takes time to find anyone here!" She flew after him to get him back.

I looked at Pauline. Her power also only works on human, right?

"How did you know what your power was?" I asked her.

"Ehhh I just one day get weird visions of the soldier that killed me in pain. I felt bad so I wishes it to stop, and it stops. Then I eventually realized what was going on." She sighed as if that was a bad thing, "I might have unintentionally hurt a lot of people, I don't know."

"This is hopeless," Cassius said, floating away after Dorothy and Bob, "You can't just show up and find a way out. We're stuck here forever."

I reached out "Wait!". His glowy fire aura fades as he got further away. I still have his fire though. I turned to Pauline for help. She looked away shamefully.

"Sorry honey, they're right. It's hopeless." She held out her hand for Kira to take it. She decided to adopt the kid right here and now I guess.

They floated and follow Cassius's light. The little ghost looked back at me apologetically and whispered, "They're right, there's no way out."

They're giving up before they even try? We could figure this out. We just need to try it at least.

I guess I'm all alone now.

Nobody wants me.

I guess I accidentally pushed them away into thinking I'm a weirdo.

How am I supposed to leave this void without any powers in the first place?

They're right it's hopeless.

I can't see the light anymore.



not me casually changing kira's 32 siblings into 100 siblings (her mom died she cant handle it)


Ghost Friends (First Draft - In Editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz