S Z NFOUR - Episode 6: Better Safe Than Sorry

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I staggered over to the car confused by Biz's overly-friendly gestures. I opened the coup door and shook my head in disbelief as I sat down. I don't know if it's just me or these mimosas but he's been.. Odd this whole day. Maybe Bam told him it's okay if he pays for my nails as a birthday gift or something. I knew that thought was farfetch, but I was just going to stick with it.

I threw my hands on the dashboard and looked at my fresh set of nails, in love. "Kim always does her thing", I said out loud. The shape was spectacular and her designs were always on point. I decided to go for a french tip with silver accents and jewels.

I leaned back into the seat and thought back to when I thought I saw French. I know it's been a couple months and that girl was definitely skinnier but I know that's her. I know her animated walk anywhere. The sound of the driver's door peeling open and snapped me out of my daydream.

"You didn't want anything, did you?", he inquired as my eyes met his and then the big Mcdonalds bag he was holding.

"Nah, I'm good", I chuckled. "I was just thinking that's a big bag for a little burger", I teased.

He nodded and grinned, "I ended up grabbing something too. I never realize I haven't eaten until I'm starving."

"Ahh road life", I sighed.

He reached into the Mcdonalds bag and pulled out a burger. He started to unwrap it and threw the burger into his mouth before pulling off.

"You know it", he said in between a bite.

We got back to the crib in no time. He didn't come up, he just dropped me off in the lobby. He said Bam should be in soon, which is also what Bam texted me. He gave me some advice before he left, he said focus on the things inside my control and let Bam handle the rest. It was very sweet and sensible coming from him, cause he usually opts to be the jerk or asshole.

I got back inside and instantly wrapped my hair. I'll be damnmed if I fuck up my hairstyle before I make it to the club. I set out my whole outfit for the night, from the dress to the rings and shoes. Everything was coming together so nicely. The vibe was just right, now all I needed was for Bam to come home. I decided to roll myself a spliff and hop on instagram to see if I could find a make-up look for the night.

I brought my tray out to the living room and threw some music on the tv, before rolling a spliff. I twirled around the living room, to the sounds of 21 Savage. I decided to take Biz's advice and enjoy my moment. This was life for me right now, rolling up in a penthouse condo, as I get ready to hit the club tonight. Despite all the shit that was currently hitting the fan, I couldn't help but feel grateful for my life..

The feeling of being overwhelmed washed over me, as I realized things could've gone very differently. I wouldn't be celebrating right now, fuck who knows if I'd even be alive right now. I grabbed my phone and flipped through endless photos of beautiful women and their makeup looks. I decided to stick with my old school vibe, and do a heavy eyes and blush look.

At some point I wandered off to sleep and found myself in an unfamiliar hallway. It was poorly lit, smelled like pee and had deteriorating wallpaper from like the 70s. The walls were riddles with ominous looking doors, all painted black with dirty frames. The malivent silence sent cold chills running down my spine. But still there was something inside, a feeling like I had to be here.

I could faintly hear the call out of a girl's voice, it seemed. Her tone was faint but it sounded like she needed help. I called back out to her but I couldn't tell which door the voice was coming from. It was as if the darkness was moving, drowning out her cadence.

"Where are you?" I yelled back.

I slowly walked forward, listening for any inclination of which door she might be behind. But it just sounded like all of them, "I don't know where you are", I yelled out again. A twisting feeling plagued my stomach but I had no urge to run away. Then all of a sudden, the hallway went pitch black except for one door. The dim light glitched over the dirty doorframe. I cautiously made my way towards the door until I was standing in front of it.

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