Pt. 2 Avengers . . . Panic!

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Right! Time for pt. 2's a stuff! Enjoy!

I don't own anything. 


The others, save Sam, waited a good couple minutes before going back to the living room.

"Well . . ." Tony started. "Anyone know what he wants on his tombstone?"

"Tony!" Steve said. 

Tony raised his hands in a surrender. "What? Just thinking ahead."

Steve sighed. Tony smirked, remembering something. "Hey Fri?"

"Yes, Boss?" F.R.I.D.A.Y. asked.

"Bring up camera footage in Y/N's room."

Natasha leveled a glare at him. "You have camera's in her room?"

Tony gulped slightly. "I have it in everyone's. It's for safety. Don't worry, they're programmed to not record anything private." It didn't really help but Tony didn't get anymore questions, only glares. 

On the screen was Y/N's room with her sitting on her bed, hands over her lower stomach and her face buried in a pillow. There were pillows and blankets thrown all over the floor, as well as some flipped chairs and even the couch. The volume was up so you could hear the moment when Sam knocked on the door. 

"What?!" Y/N screeched. 

Sam's hesitant voice sounded. "U-uh, I have some - some stuff that might help with you're, um, with you're period."

"Geez, he sounds scared." Peter said.

"Wouldn't you be if you were in his position?" Bucky asked. 

Peter considered that. "Yeah, you're right."

Y/N was silent for a moment before waving her hand and opening the door. "What do you have?" She demanded. 

Sam walked inside cautiously and set the stuff down at the end of her bed, Y/N watching him like a hawk the whole time. 

"Pads, tampons, a-" He cleared his throat. "A heating pad, chocolate, squishmellow, chips, water, stuff like that." He held his breath as Y/N inspected everything.

"Hmm. Fine. Now leave." Y/N said shooing him. 

"Are - you sure you don't need any help?" Sam asked. 

Tony facepalmed. "Sammy, get out of there. Idiot."

"I think I just lost braincells listening to that." Clint said. 

"What brain cells?" Bruce retorted. 

Loki, Tony, and Natasha snorted. Peter laughed. "Good one, Dr. Banner."

"Woah, Brucie bear woke up and chose violence today." Tony said, he clapped Bruce on the shoulder.

"I don't get it. Did Banner lose something?" Thor asked. 

Loki scowled at him. "No, you simpleton. You've been on Midgard longer than I yet you still don't know how they speak."

Thor responded by scowling back at Loki. "The least you could do was explain it, brother."

Loki grumbled something about "Not you're brother" but they all ignored him. Going back to watching they saw Sam on his ass across the room. 

"No! I said leave! Not 'help me change a tampon'! Go. Away!" Y/N forcible used her power to shove Sam out the door, who was red in the face yet pale as sand. He sat on the ground for a moment before slowly getting up. He rubbed his ass which would probably be sore for a couple days.

"Fri? Please tell me you recorded that." Clint asked, a hand cover his mouth to smother his laughter a Sam walked into the elevator, back hunched like an old person.

"I did." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said, she also sounded amused. 

When Sam finally arrived on their floor, he took his time walking out.

"Sam, Steve and Bucky are the old ones, they're supposed to be hunched and using a cane. Not you." Tony teased. Sam, Steve, and Bucky all scowled at him. 

Sam sat down shakily. "How can she be so violent?"

"I believe it is the same way with the Spider-Boy. So small yet very powerful." Loki said. Peter didn't know whether to be insulted or complimented. He chose complimented. 

"Uh, thanks Mr. Loki?" He said, to Sam. " Are you okay, Mr. Wilson?"

Sam waved him off. "Yeah kid, I'm good. I'll be sore for a while but nothing that I haven't felt before." He heaved a breath. "I just really hoped this week wouldn't be like the last."

Natasha pressed her lips into a flat line, trying to conceal her smirk. "Well, that's just a woman's body for you. I'm going to get some ice cream. I'll be in Y/N's room if you need me." She turned to leave but called over her shoulder. "And Pete, if you want to come, I'm sure Y/N wouldn't mind." Natasha made a point of smirking. "Same with Bucky."

Clint shooed her. "Yeah, yeah, we get it. You guys are her favorite people."

Natasha only smirked and left. Peter sent them a look that said 'sorry' before following after her. Bucky only huffed before getting off his spot from leaning on the wall. 

"Peter and Y/N are going to put magnets are my arm again, I know it."

Steve grinned and clapped him on the arm. "You'll be fine, Buck. Try not to make her get out her screwdriver again though."

"Yeah, Brucie and I don't want to go through 4 hours of work trying to piece you're arm back together." Tony said, sitting on the couch.

Bruce spoke up. "Or make you another one."

Bucky rolled his eyes and left, mumbling something a"bout wacko scientists and modern stuff.

Tony watched him leave before turning to the others. "Sooo, alcohol and movies?"

Steve and Bruce sat down as well, Thor following with a box of Pop Tarts that somehow appeared in him hand. Loki rolled his eyes but sat, albeit with a bored expression.

"Yeah, but I get to pick." Sam said. 

Clint huffed. "I want next!"

"I'm next." Bruce said. "I don't want to watch Robin Hood again."

Tony laughed. "Bruce, you just want to watch Wall-E again."

Bruce shrugged. "So? It's a good movie."

Steve didn't really care, nor did Loki, though he was curious about these 'movies'. Thor was just happy to be there and eat Pop Tarts. Simple stuff for a simple man.


Ugh! Mine has been a week early for the past 4 times (including this one)! *sigh* It's been this way since the eclipse, I just want my normal schedule back.

Anyway, hope y'all are doing good or get so, have a good whatever and until next time!

- BookQueen14

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