We're In Trouble, Man

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I think I'll make a part 2, maybe 3 for each fandom or so. I don't know, what do ya'll say?


Scott was walking down the stairs when he ran into Y/N on her way up. "Oh, hey Y/N." He said  putting a hand up.

Y/N in turn sent a glare his way and huffed, pushing past him rather roughly to continue on her way.

Scott rubbed the spot on his shoulder where Y/N had pushed him. What is up with her? He thought reaching the ground floor. I'll ask the Professor. Scott walked towards the Professors office but backtracked as he passed the kitchen. Most of the X-Men were sitting at the table or standing around it, including Professor Xavier.

"Ah, Scott. I was just about to send for you." The Professor said when he spotted him.

"Uh, hey, Professor. What'd you need?" Scott asked, making his way to sit in an empty chair next to Jean. 

Professor Xavier looked at him with an expression of dread. "Scott, it's that time."

Scott, being who he was, didn't understand what the Professor was talking about. "Uh, what time?"

Jean and Ororo sighed, Logan snorted, Hank took his glasses off and rubbed his nose, Warren and Bobby face palmed, and Kurt and Rouge rolled their eyes.

The Professor looked at Scott with a deadpanned look. "Scott . . ." He said, almost disappointingly.

Scott threw his hands up. "What?! It's not my fault I don't know what you're talking about."

This time, Jean laughed. She put her hand on Scott's arm and rubbed it soothingly. "We know Scott."

Logan, who was standing with his arms crossed, grunted. "Y/N's on her period, Shade-Shit."

Professor cast Logan a look. "Logan . . ." He was getting tired of saying their names like this. 

Logan looked at the Professor. "What, Chuck? It's the truth, no need to sugar coat it. It ain't gonna help the situation. Best say it as it is."

The others had to agree with Logan on this one, as much as some didn't want to. Scott was taking aback by this new information. 

Bobby snorted and held back a laugh at how straight forward Logan was with it, even if he barely ever got along with the man.

He waved a hand. "Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me, that one of the most powerful mutants in this generation, quite possible in history, is on her period? The week in which women in general are most dangerous? The time when their hormones are all messed up and they can snap at you for just breathing wrong?! The time when their eating patterns are so messed up one moment they want bacon the next, donuts?! The time when they are emotionally a mess, among other messes?! The time -"

He was cut off by Ororo. "Yes, Scott. That time." 

Scott took a breath and looked around, the women in the room were glaring at him slightly, making Scott slightly uncomfortable. "Uh, sorry?"

Jean sighed. "It's fine Scott. Just try to be careful when talking out our periods like that." Scott nodded dumbly.

"Right, sorry."

Kurt raised a three fingered hand, catching the attention of the others. "Uh, so, how do ve help her?" Kurt was undoubtedly one of the kindest person you could ever meet. Despite all the hate and abuse he got when he was younger, and still sometimes got.

Warren, who was one of Kurt's closer friends, looked at him, his wings twitching slightly. "We get her whatever she needs." He was one of the more educated men of the Mansion. 

"But vhat vould zhat be?"

Logan grunted again. "Chocolate, heat pads, ice cream, bacon, bread sticks, movies she likes, stuff like that. You'll figure it out." 

The Professor nodded to Logan. "I think it'd be best to do that." He looked at the women in the room. "Could you help? I think you know more about this we do." He added with a chuckle.

The women did chuckle slight, along with the men. 

"I'll help with any pain she has, try to keep her calm." Hank said, his medical knowledge would most likely save some of their asses this week.

Bobby held his hands up in a surrender pose. "I'm out. I can't handle emotional girls." He cringed at the looks he got from the women in the room. Mostly from his girlfriend.

The Professor nodded with a smile. "Right then, now on to more pressing matters. Who wants to go first?"

They were confused for a moment before they heard a loud thud sound, followed by an enraged yelled and quiet screams of fear.

The Professor winced, his grip tightening on his wheelchair, along with the others. Well, all except Logan, his brow just furled slightly.

Kurt rose a hesitant hand again. "Uh, if you mean, interact vith her first, I vill."

Bobby patted him on the shoulder. "You're brave than me, man." He gave him a tight smile, but it also had a look of relief behind it, one that made Kurt grimace slightly but he returned with an uneasy smile as well.

The Professor nodded, his kind smile returning. "Thank you, Kurt. I think she'd appreciate you going first."

Everyone knew Y/N was closer to the furry blue mutant, and Warren. And surprisingly, Logan.

Kurt started to get up, his tail flicking from side to side in a slow motion. "Does anyvone have anyting I can give her to help her vith her - pain?"

Jean smiled kindly and used her power to float some pads and chocolate from a cabinet nearby. "There you go, it should help her a bit. Ororo and I will go to the store later and get some more stuff." She looked over at Ororo for extra confirmation. Ororo nodded, also smiling. 

Kurt took the pads and chocolate, the latter with an uncomfortable look, and ported out. Scott waved his hand to clear the air around his face from the sulfur smell and taste. When he was done, he saw the others had done the same. 

Cracking a smile, he said. "Doesn't matter how long I know that kid or how many times he does that around me, I'll never get used to that smell or taste." Scott coughed again. The others laughed.

Logan uncrossed his arms and started to make his way out. "Yeah, that elf is definitely somethin'" With that, he left, leaving the others to go as they please.

They started to make their way out when they heard another thud and yell, followed by more gasps and scuttling. 

The Professor and Hank looked at each other with a worried look. Rouge spoke up. "Ah'll got check on 'em." She got up and hurried out. Warren, Jean and Scott, Ororo and Bobby leaving after to her, most going to places to avoid Y/N.

"I'm sure zhey didn't mean to do - zhat! Y/N?!" 


Alright my little Munchkins! How is everyone this evening/morning/night? I'm doing pretty good, though my sleep schedule's is, well, it's most likely always going to be slightly messed up. Anyway, hope you have a good whatever! 

Bye Ya'll!

- BookQueen14

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