The Week Justice Hides

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This one will be interesting to write. I love a protective and fatherly Batman! 


Flash walked down one of the halls in the Watchtower, whistling to himself. Y/N walked past him. "Oh, Y/N! How you doing?"

Y/N turned to him, her face show slight irritation. "Oh, I'm fine. How are you?" She asked rhetorically.

Flash, like the dimwit he was, grinned, not noticing her irritation. "Great! I'm thinking on getting myself something sweet, like chocolate."

Y/N's irritated look only grew. "And what does this have to do with me?"

Flash tilted his head and laughed. "Geez Y/N, you seem a little irritated today. What, are you on your period?" He laughed again. 

This was the wrong thing to say, however, because before he could register, he was laying face down on the the metal flooring, Y/N stomping away.

"Uh, what'd I do?" He wondered, running off to tell the others. Y/N was usually so kind, not easy to anger. Irritated, sure, but someone always made her smile before it go too bad. That's what Flash tried to do. 

"Oh, hey Supes! I've got a question." Flash said when he spotted Superman in the common room. 

"Sure Flash, what is it?" Superman said, turning toward him.

"So, I bumped into Y/N on the way here and she seemed irritated so I -" Superman cut him off.

"Did you notice her irritation before or after saying something dumb?"

Flash rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Ah, well . . ."

Superman face palmed. "Flash, I swear, that mouth of yours is going to get you killed on day. And I don't mean by a villain."

Flash only laughed nervously, he went to continue with his story but was interrupted by Wonder Woman joining them. 

"Hey guys, what're you talking about?" She looked at Flash. "What'd your mouth get you into this time?"

Flash fake hurt. "How could you say that? I would never! I rarely ever speak, it's Batman who has the motor mouth issue. Can never get him to shut up."

Wonder Woman only made a "Mhm" sound. A clearing of the throat sounded behind Flash, making him whip his head around so fast if he wasn't used to the speed, he would have gotten whiplash. 

"B-Batman!" Flash squeaked. "Didn't seem you there."

Batman flashed him an unimpressed glare. "I know." Came his rumbling reply. "What's this about me having a 'motor mouth issue'?"

Flash squeaked again and ran to hide behind Superman. "Uh, nothing, nothing!"

Batman only glared at him. "Well, I just saw Y/N storm down the hallway. Anyone have an idea why?"

Superman stepped to the side to reveal Flash. "Dude! Not cool!" Flash exclaimed. 

The others eyes were on him now, making him gulp."W-well, as I was telling Supes, I walked past Y/N in the hallway and she looked irritated so I tried to cheer her up before she tore the head of something. That didn't work and the next thing I knew, I was lying face down on the floor. I don't know what I did though, I only said a couple things, no big deal."

Wonder Woman crossed her arms, she arched an eyebrow. "What exactly did you say?"

"Uh, she looked mad so I joked and asked her 'Are you on you period?'" Wonder Woman Batman's eyes widened and Superman facepalmed again. 

"Did you seriously ask her that!?" Wonder Woman yelled. "Great Hera, you're so stupid!" She huffed and walked off. "Better tell the others."

Flash was confused. "What? How was that wrong?"

Superman put a hand on his shoulder. "Flash, you never ask a woman if they're on their period. Especially when they looked irritated or mad. That will most definitely make matters worse."

Batman grunted in agreement. "They'll let you know when they're on their periods, or they expect you to keep track or figure it out yourself. Asking is sighing your death sentence."

It finally dawned of Flash. "Oh, oh, shit! I gotta get out of here!" He ran to the Zeta-tubes. "I'm going home! Don't call me for the next week!" He disappeared in a flash of light. 

Superman sighed and looked at Batman. "I guess we should get stocked up?"

"No, I have been tracking Y/N's schedule since she joined the League. I've got all the stuff she likes during this time. All we have to do it act like we're walking on egg shells or else we will be." Batman said, turning and walking out. 

Superman watched him leave and turned, floating out to go to his own room. "Right. Just, avoid Y/N. That'll be easy, right?"

It would, in fact, not. This was going to be one chaotic week.


Hey Ya'll! Hope ya liked it! I'm going to do a couple more starter chapters before I continue with the others. 

Have good whatever!

- BookQueen14

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