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I was getting ready to go out with Damien to check out the company we would be partnering with when I got a phone call.

It was aunt paloma.

London:Hey Aunt!.

Aunt paloma:My sweet are you and Valora doing?... It's good that you both are finally here in Mexico.. I've missed you so much.

London: I've missed you too aunt and yeah well this is where we're gonna do business for the next one year so the sacrifice was necessary.

Aunt paloma: You're is Damien doing?..

London: He's ok.. we're both getting ready to go to the company in a bit.I heard it's a surprise..

Aunt paloma: Suprise?..

London:Yh..I and Damien's company can be quite secretive with things like this.. It's normal.

Aunt paloma: Well ok.. that's a bit strange..tell me about it when you get back and I'll be waiting for you guys later.

London:Sure aunt.

I ended the call before going into the car with Damien and we met with one of our business executives Harold to discuss about the company.

Harold:Thank you both for coming to this is a very important one that can improve your business on a grand scale.

London:Uh.. Harold please go straight to the point which company are we exactly working with here?.

Harold:Miss Delvon the chosen company is none other than the famous and successful De la Cruz industries.

I felt my heart drop hearing that statement.. I couldn't believe my ears!..I can't believe after so long of being away from the de la Cruz company fate decided to bring me back to that place.

Damien was equally shocked hearing the news and he objected to it. time of working with my brother's company is over.. I cannot go back there..I came to Mexico to work with a well established company.

Harold:But that is a well established company Mr Cortez..For the past few years the sales of that company has increased rapidly and that man is making billions every year.. He's actually making your late father proud.. he's living up to his expectations.

Damien:I don't care about that..Ok whatever we'll partner with him.

London:No we can't..

Damien: El..calm down don't worry you don't have to talk to him or have anything to do with him just stick with me.. remember it's just for a year.. what's the worst that could happen.

I thought about it for a moment and I reluctantly agreed.

Before we went to the De la Cruz company I decided to pick Val up from her new school and I had no choice but to take her with me to the company and throughout the drive I was trembling in fear and anxiety.

I slowly came out of the car and some of the employees saw me and were surprised to see me.They wanted to approach me but my bodyguards blocked them from doing so and I decided to put on a disguise to not get recognized.

I told Val to stay in the car with the driver until we came back and she kept insisting that she follows me.I disagreed and told her to wait and she pouted.

When I got in,I felt my heart rate increase by every second..I looked around to avoid any familiar face and thank goodness there were some new employees in the company so it was easier to not get recognized.

I walked hand in hand with Damien and for some reason I felt a strong presence from behind me.

I turned around letting go of Damien's hand and saw from afar that Valora was talking to a man.

I wanted to approach her but I paused when I saw that it was Mace.

I held my voice trying to control how shocked I was and I was scared to bits thinking that they would both connect with each other.

Mace was on one knee and was talking to Valora and My God..did he look like a Greek God..I haven't seen him in years and he looked even more dashing.I watched the both of them as they talked.

Mace:So sweety what brings you to my company?.

Valora: Well actually I came with my mom and her friend.

Mace:Hmm... well your Mom must be a really preety lady cause you are really pretty.

Valora blushed at Mace's compliment and he smiled at her.

He paused and stared at her for some seconds then he gently caressed her hair.

Mace:Your really remind me of someone close to my heart.

Valora: Really?..Well I have the same eyes as my mother.

Mace paused for a moment and looked into Val's eyes.

Mace:Who is your mother?..

I felt my soul leave my body hearing that rhetorical question..What if she told him..I prayed in my mind that she wouldn't.

Valora: Well she's a famous person..she was once a model too..and she has a company with her friend.

Mace:Oh I see so they're both working together like partners in crime.

Valora:Yeah..Why do I feel like I know you?..You seem familiar.

Mace chuckled showing his dimples.

Mace: Well a lot of people think they know me before they meet me.. I don't mean you little one.. maybe you may have seen me in your imagination or even your dreams..

Val's face went serious and she stared at Mace wondering about it.

Mace:Have you?..

Val:I don't know..

Mace:Hmm.. it's fine..well nice to meet you Princessa.

Val:You too handsome..hey that's what my mom calls me.

Mace:And that's what my first love used to call me."Handsome".

Mace's face fell and he smiled painfully.

Valora:Hey handsome.. what's wrong?..

Mace: Nothing.. I'm ok..

Valora:You should never lie about your feelings you know..It will make you feel even worse.

Mace:Ok.. well..

Before Mace could speak I called Valora and she quickly turned around and rushed to me.

Mace looked at me in curiosity wondering who I was to her before I left with her.I just hope he didn't recognize my voice.

Damien told me to go to the car with Valora while he makes a phone call to one of his agents to make the partnership deal due to the tension and after that was done he got into the car.

London: many times will I tell you not to talk to strangers!.

Valora:Mom.. I was just trying to see the place and I bumped into him..Oh man..I forgot to ask him his name.

London: Well he didn't tell you his did he?..

Valora:Mom..were you snooping around on our conversation?..

London:Where are your manners!.

Valora:Mom..this man didn't feel like a stranger..and I don't know why.

London:Shut up!. Enough of your nonsense Valora I've had enough of it.Just quit already!.

Valora kept shut and stared at me with tears in her eyes.

London: You're not going to go near that man ever do you understand me!..

Valora kept silent.

She turned around to face the other side of the car and sobbed quietly and I felt guilty for the way I reacted.

Damien stared at me in worry before facing forward minding his business.

Seeing Mace today..makes me feel even more terrified for what would happen next.

THE DEVIL'S MAIDEN 2 Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu