Chapter 7: SIGNALS

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I was talking to one of the maids about the foods that I wanted Valora to be eating in preparation for her upcoming competition and I noticed that Valora seemed a bit annoyed with my conversation with the maid while peeping from the corner of the door.

I quickly gave her a signal to come to me and she obeyed still with an annoyed expression.

I excused the maid to leave us and she left.

I was thankful that Valora wasn't gluten free like me and she was not really that much picky with food but she enjoyed some sweet stuff with loads of sugar in them.

I got down on my knees to meet her gaze and gently smiled at her.

London: Listen Princessa.. I'm your mother..I know when you don't like something..but if you want to win that competition you have cut off from the sweet stuff you have a week Val..You need to be healthy before then.

Valora: I'm still so young Mom..why do I have to go through all this pressure.

London:Shh.. Val it's not pressure..There are a lot of kids your age that are on the streets trying to make ends meet with the little income they get from handwork..So if those poor kids are able to go through that in order to gain what is needed so can you.

Val's facial expression went mild and she nodded in agreement.

London:Val I told you about my past.. when I was your age.I went through worse stuff than you can imagine..I lost my brother.. everything in my life crumbled before my eyes but I'm here now.. Listen sweety..I loved that you are blessed enough to have and see me and have a good life so make the best of it and make a name for yourself.It starts now.

Val:Yes Mom and I'm sorry.About your past.

London: It's fine dear.. it's in the past after all.

Val: I'll eat the healthy stuff so that I can win the competition.

London:Yes of course and I've also hired your own personal ballet trainer so that you will be even more prepared for the competition..I know you will least before we go to Mexico.. you'll have the trophy.

Val: Mexico?..

London:Yes.. Mexico.

Val:I had a dream that I saw the Mexican flag..

I stared at Val in confusion.

Val:There was a really big building.. almost like a crystal..and there was a really beautiful car and a bunch of people around it..

I thought to myself that I had a similar dream in the past before I had met Mace in person.

Val:And the man that came out of the car was Dad.

I stared at Valora in shock.

I stood up straight and continued staring at her before I spoke.

London: Did you see his face?..

Val: Sadly no..but he has beautiful blue eyes and a dimpled smile like you told me.

I breathed in and out and sat down on a chair.

Val approached me with a curious look on her face.

Val:Mom..I really wanna see how Dad looks like.

London:Val you need to go to your room and get some rest.

Val:Mom please!..You keep doing this!..I wanna see him now!.

I stood up in anger.

London:You can't speak to me that way! are grounded.For being disrespectful!.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the room while she screamed and I closed her door shut.

I could hear her crying from inside and I immediately went to my room.

I tried to distract myself from what just happened by doing some office work but what she told me just stayed in my head.

Val seeing Mace in her dreams just like how I saw him in mine in the past May be a sign that he's gonna come back into our lives.No I won't let that happen.

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