Chapter 58-Yeye will go to school?

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Bai Yuan bowed respectfully as Scholar Mo, and replied in a confused voice, “I guess so. Good Afternoon Mr. Mo.”

He turned his head to look at the main character who suddenly brought visitors. However, Wang Yiheng quickly became busy playing with Yeye and so was Xiyi. Bai Yuan rarely saw Wang Yiheng in his official attire,

Did he come straight from the court? Poor thing.

“Xu Ying, please tell the maids to bring refreshments for our guests.”

Wang Yiheng picked Yeye up in his arms and slowly came to stand beside Bai Yuan, “I was thinking about if Yeye is at a good age of starting studying at home. What do you think, Yuan?”

Wang Xiyi gasped sharply remembering something from the past. Mo Liangcheng sneakily pinched him in his back to keep it down.

Bai Yuan coughed and replied, “Xu Ying was saying the same. Does Yeye want to study?” He nudged Yeye's plumpy cheek.

Yeye replied enthusiastically, “Yeye will study if it makes Momma happy.”

“Aww my little meatbun.”

Wang Xiyi added with a shrug, “What parents don't love when their children study with blood, sweat and tears!”

Wang Yiheng replied to his statement, “I see why Queen Mother doesn't write to you.”

Wang Xiyi's face dropped, “Don't be so harsh on me, brother. I do study but I get distracted when I see-”

He was about to glance at Mo Liangcheng's backside but couldn't under the glare of Wang Yiheng.

Mo Liangcheng cleared his throat to speak in his calm polite tone, “Your Highness, will you grant me the honour to be The Crown Prince's tutor?” And bowed deeply.

Bai Yuan always heard how famous Mo Liangcheng was in terms of martial arts. He quickly nodded his head and picked Yeye up from Wang Yiheng's arms.

“I would, gladly.” He stood Yeye on the floor and requested him in his sweet tone, “Yeye, please greet Teacher Mo and thank him for taking you as his student.”

Yeye didn't understand the meaning but proceeded to do what his mother told him to. He properly kneeled on the floor and bowed to Mo Liangcheng, “Yeye greets Teacher Mo from the bottom of his heart. Thank you.”

Everyone smiled as Yeye and Mo Liangcheng exchanged greetings. Most importantly, no one noticed that Wang Yiheng, Xu Ying and Xiyi exchanged glances among them.


Short replay to

[The next day after Yeye fell sick]

The Wang brothers were drinking together after dinner. Xu Ying was in charge of filling cups for them, and occasionally drinking also.

Wang Yiheng looked depressed while Wang Xiyi looked fully charged and energetic. He spoke after gulping down the liquor in one go, “Woah! The wines Xu Ying picks up never disappoint! What a great taste!”

Xu Ying replied calmly, “I feel honoured, Your Highness.”

Xiyi turned to his brother, “But, what's the matter with my brother today? Is my little nephew that ill?”

“I'm worried about him, but his sickness is not that serious.”

“Then, what else?” Xiyi took around a cup and was about to sip-

“It's his mother. He doesn't love me.”

And Xiyi's drink sprayed out of his mouth, wetting Xu Ying to his core.

Notice Me, My Dearest!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora