To the Manor

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By noon the next day, Aishi's school trunk was packed with her school things and all her most prized possessions - the broomstick and dog supplies she had gotten from Sirius, the enchanted map of Hogwarts she had been given by Fred and George Weasley last year, her dad's journal and the music box from Theo.

Shiva helped move his and his father's luggage downstairs, as well as Chintu, take a nap on Raja's lap. Shiva made a quick lunch of rich, sambar and papad with beetroot side dish.

"They'll be driving, of course?" Raja asked ."Er," said Aishi "Maybe but The Weasleys don't have a car anymore; the old Ford Anglia they had once owned was currently running wild in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts. But Mr Weasley had borrowed a Ministry of Magic car last year; possibly he would do the same today. "

" huh? What happened to their old car?" Shiva asked " Harry and Ron drove or flew that car when they were 12," Aishi said

"Oh, that incident" Shiva said.

Aishi spent most of the afternoon in the living room watching TV with her grandfather and for a while went for a walk around the neighbourhood with Chintu

Finally, at a quarter to five, Shiva moved the bags to the living room as the family gathered and they all waited as Aishi wondered how they would come to her house. But five o'clock came and then went."They're late," Shiva said."I know," said Aishi. "Maybe - er - the traffic's bad, or something." Ten past five . . . then a quarter past five as Aishi gets a drink from the kitchen.

"Well....this is going to be a let's just... OH GREAT MAHADEVA!" Aishi jumped up. "What happened?" She said. "What's the matter?"

She hurried into the living room. Loud hangings and scrapings were coming from behind the boarded-up fireplace, which had a fake coal fire plugged in front of it. "WHO IS THERE? I MAY BE OLD BUT I AM ARMED!" Raja said holding his cane up. "OW MY BACK!"

But they were left in doubt barely a second longer. Voices could be heard from inside the blocked fireplace. "Ouch! Fred, no - go back, go back, there's been some kind of mistake - tell George not to -Ouch! Sirius, no - go back now, there's been some kind of mistake - tell George not to - OUCH! George, no, there's no room, go back quickly and tell Ron and Harry -" "Maybe Aishi can hear us, Dad - maybe she'll be able to let us out -" There was a loud hammering of fists on the boards behind the electric fire.

"Aishi? Aishi, can you hear us?" "What is this?" Raja asked as Chintu barked a lot at the fireplace "What's going on?" "They - they've tried to get here by Floo powder," said Aishi laughing. "They can travel by fire - only you've blocked the fireplace - hang on -"

" Oh my god" Shiva said and Raja laughed keeping his cane down.

She approached the fireplace and called through the boards. "Mr. Weasley? Can you hear me?" The hammering stopped. Somebody inside the chimney-piece said, "Shh!" "Mr Weasley, it's Aishi... . The fireplace has been blocked up. You won't be able to get through there."

"Damn!" said Sirius's voice. "What on earth is the reason to block up the fireplace for?" "We've got an electric fire," Aishi explained. "Really?" said Mr. Weasley's voice excitedly. "Eclectic, you say? With a plug? Gracious, I must see that. . . . Let's think . . . ouch, Ron! Harry!" Ron's voice now joined the others. "What are we doing here? Has something gone wrong?" "Oh no, Ron," came Fred's voice, very sarcastically. "No, this is exactly where we wanted to end up."" Yeah, we're having the time of our lives here," said George, whose voice sounded muffled, as though he was squashed against the wall. " Get your foot off my face !" Harry said

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