Elf on the bed

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Don't be a silent reader

(Also we have a winner for Krishna face claim)

Harry managed not to shout out, but it was a close thing. The little creature on the bed had large, batlike ears and bulging green eyes the size of tennis balls.

As they stared at each other, Harry heard Mom's voice from the hall and she entered the room.

"Harry dinner is almost done....what in the world?" The creature slipped off the bed and bowed so low that the end of its long, thin nose touched the carpet. Harry noticed that it was wearing what looked like an old
pillowcase, with rips for arm and leg holes. He looked at his mom who looked at the questioning.

„Er-hello," said Harry nervously.
„Harry Potter!" said the creature in a high-pitched voice Harry was sure would carry down the stairs. „So long has Dobby wanted to meet you, sir... Such an honour it is..." „Th-thank you," said Harry, edging along the wall and sinking into his desk
chair, next to Hedwig, who was asleep in her large cage. He wanted to ask, „What are you?" but thought it would sound too rude, so instead he said, „Who are you?" „Dobby, sir. Just Dobby. Dobby the house-elf," said the creature.„ Oh-really?" said Harry. „Er-I don't want to be rude or anything, but-What are you doing here? "

The elf hung his head.„Not that I'm not pleased to meet you," said Harry quickly, „but, er, is there any particular reason you're here?"
„Oh, yes, sir," said Dobby earnestly. „Dobby has come to tell you, sir... it is difficult, sir... Dobby wonders where to begin..."„Sit down," said Percy politely, pointing at the bed.
To their horror, the elf burst into tears-very noisy tears.„S-sit down!" he wailed. „Never... never ever..."

„I'm sorry,"Percy said, „I didn't mean to offend you or anything."
„Offend Dobby!" choked the elf. „Dobby has never been asked to sit down by a witch-like an equal-"
Harry, trying to comfort ushered
Dobby back onto the bed where he sat hiccoughing, looking like a large and very ugly doll. At last, he managed to control himself and sat with his great eyes fixed on Harry in an expression of watery adoration.
„You can't have met many decent wizards," said Harry, trying to cheer him up.

Dobby shook his head. Then, without warning, he leapt up and started banging his head furiously on the window, shouting, „Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!"„what are you doing?" Percy hissed, springing up and pulling Dobby back onto the bed- Hedwig had woken up with a particularly loud screech and was beating her wings wildly against the bars of her cage.

„Dobby had to punish himself, miss," said the elf, who had gone slightly cross-eyed. „Dobby almost spoke ill of his family, sir..."
„Your family?"
„The wizard family Dobby serves, sir... Dobby's is a house-elf-bound to serve one house and one family forever..."„Do they know you're here?" asked Percy curiously. Dobby shuddered.„Oh, no, miss, no... Dobby will have to punish himself most grievously for coming to see you. Dobby will have to shut his ears in the oven door for this. If they
ever knew, sir-"

„But won't they notice if you shut your ears in the oven door?" „Dobby doubts it, sir. Dobby is always having to punish himself for something,
sir. They let Dobby get on with it, sir. Sometimes they remind me to do extra punishments..." „But why don't you leave? Escape?"

„A house-elf must be set free, sir. And the family will never set Dobby free...Dobby will serve the family until he dies, sir..." Harry and percy started.„ Can't anyone help you? Can't I?" Almost at once, Harry wished he hadn't spoken. Dobby dissolved again into wails of gratitude.„Harry Potter asks if he can help Dobby... Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir, but of your goodness, Dobby never knew..." Harry, who was feeling distinctly hot in the face, said, „Whatever you've heard about my greatness is a load of rubbish. I'm not even top of my year at Hogwarts; that's Aishi, she-"

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