⛓Ch. 17: Predator And Prey

Start from the beginning

"Brutal?" Hoseok's bottom lip trembles, terrified while Yoongi grins sadistically at the thought.

He felt strongly for Y/n, he just didn't know in what way. He thought he resented her, yet his body and brain is sending him continuous signals, simply calling out for him to protect... protect... protect. Those same alarms ringing in his head are what made him follow her after they left the diner, just in case something were to happen...

"Call Jimin. And no police, I'm sure you know what they do to hybrids."

Hoseok taps the 'call' button and bites his nails, about to have a panic attack, "Jimin? Meet me at the shop we talked about earlier. It's an emergency." He states before hanging up.

"Thanks for the urgency." Yoongi sighs as the bells jingle while someone walks in.

"Our project is due tomorrow! We can't just suddenly shop, even Namjoon is stressed about it and he never gets stressed! Maybe you have the money and don't care about academics but we- oh, Yoongi?"

Namjoon runs into Taehyung's broad back with an oomf, his glasses hitting the black and white tile floor as Jin picks them up like many times prior. The three dripping wet men cut the argument as they notice Yoongi's tear stained face and Hoseok's bright red face and neck. The two walk out from behind the front counter with wide, worried eyes as Taehyung glares at Hoseok.

"This better be fucking good, Jung Hoseok. You better delete my number after this and get lost. Don't need house pets making calls."

Yoongi grips a fist full of Taehyung's shirt, pulling him in and speaking low, "Now you better fucking listen to me. I don't know what breed you are but we both know you are one. Can smell you from a damn mile away. Just as strong as your ego. When you're with us, you treat us as equals. You got me Kim Taehyung?" He lets go and backs away.

Taehyung's hands turn into fists as his chest puffs up and suddenly there's growling in a low, threatening tone, from behind him as his fist is suddenly raised. Yoongi stares, unflinching, as Taehyung listens to the low growl, slowly lowering his arm back to his side. Turning, he spots Namjoon fiddling with his glasses cleaner for a moment before he puts them back on, his index finger pushing them up the bridge of his nose.

"I just wanted to make sure I could see you so I knew where to hit." He punches Taehyung square in the jaw, the man stumbling back into Yoongi as their back's collide into the white marble front desk.

"Namjoon?!" Jin hollers in shock.

"His pheromones, I could scent that he was going to attack. Better to put him out for now till he calms down. I could smell that his anger was building up the whole ride here." He wrings out his wet jacket a bit while scratching his head, "Something you said on the phone got him riled up." He crouches down to Yoongi who's starting to stand, "Keep in mind that he's dangerous. One of us, yes, but dangerous."

"Us?" Yoongi breathes in deep, "You don't have a scent though." He speaks low.

Namjoon winks, "I'm smart, remember," He reaches a hand out to help him up while whispering, "I've learned to cover it for safety. Some predator hybrids like to hunt for others, including other predators." He sniffles, shoves his glasses up, and smiles with his dimples showing.

"Just... just what do you mean by predator."

"The exact opposite of you." Namjoon dusts himself off as the door swings open again.

"I knew it smelled like bullshit." Jungkook huffs as him and Jimin enter the shop to a horrific scene, "Like a damn zoo."

Namjoon's book bag is drying on the floor beside Jungkook as he takes a long look around the room. Yoongi is eyeing Namjoon in tense suspicion, Jin is worriedly poking Taehyung's unmoving body, and Hoseok is rushing to turn around the 'Open' sign to 'Closed'.

Jimin grabs onto Jungkook's strong forearm, "W-what happened?"

Jungkook's eyes shut as the crazy aroma enters his lungs. A mix of panic, exhilaration, and ferocious anger steeps in his mind like steeping a bag of tea - it only grows stronger and stronger by the second while his senses send alarms ringing throughout his body. He was in the presence of numerous hybrids, he could tell, but something made the back of his neck crawl with chilled goosebumps.

"Where's Y/n?" He walks up to Yoongi, "Why do you smell like her and gasoline?!" He cries out as Yoongi turns away, tears threatening to stream down his face.

"Taken! We called you all here because she was taken!"


Last A/N from February I planned to update that day until I directly after found out my mom is very sick so writing wasn't a priority, just being real. Keep us in your prayers🤍 Im always home so I have so much time now and I'm dying to give you guys some new chapters and a fantasy world for my brain to thrive in currently so here you go!
I am also releasing a few chapters for a new Eyeless Jack Creepypasta fanfic if you're interested!
Forgive me if this wasnt a great chapter, Im trying to get into the swing of things again and learning the characters personality's again! Had fun with this even though not much happened but here's where the real story begins!

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