⛓Ch. 9: Extracurricular Activities (P. 2)

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WOW i have been gone SO FUCKING LONG like two months or more and ive missed you guys so fucking much😭
not being able to update feels like not seeing my friends for a long time, i miss this all so much.
i'm close to being done with this college semester mid december so ill be on here almost daily then!

Gripping the left edge of the white porcelain sink, I stare hazily at my slightly swaying reflection in my large square mirror opposite of me. It's been about an hour since the last chapter and Yoongi and I started seeing who could smoke the most.

I won.

It's me.

I'm the winner! (I'm going to regret this if I green out later)

Fueled by weed and fits of giggles, I had stumbled to the bathroom for a moment of alone time since I needed to piss.

"You- " I point at my stoned reflection, "have ran too many races... have had too much anxiety... have had too much bullshit to deal with lately."

I rest my hand back on the clean countertop and take a puff of my half smoked joint, "Just fucking... relax, okay? Y/n, you have got to just chill for a bit." I give myself a high pep talk, "You need to chill for at least tonight."

I smile lazily, eyes half lidded as I become my own personal therapist.

"Who fucking cares if Yoongi knows, y'know?" I blow smoke from my lips and waft my hand through the air to get rid of the gray cloud, the smoke alarm in my peripherals, "You're sexy, you're funny, and that's all that matters." I nod my head as if taking really great advice from someone.

"Are you fucking talking to yourself in there?"

"Shut the fuck up." My eyebrows furrow, pinched together, "Yes, I am." I swing the white door open in one smooth motion, "You have a problem with it?" I eye the man who's eyes are bloodshot red.

Yoongi walks passed me into the bathroom without a care while I hear something unzip. I raise a brow before turning around but the door is already shut in my face.

"Acting like he pays the fucking rent here." I mumble to myself while heading into the kitchen due to an extreme case of the munchies.

I grab literally everything in fucking sight - cold pizza from the fridge, a water bottle, Doritos, fruit snacks, and a mini Hersheys bar before plopping myself onto the couch. I sigh as I spot I dropped something. Trying to grab my candy bar that fell on the floor as I sat starts to become the hardest activity I've ever attempted to accomplish. My hands don't feel real and my whole body is numb.

I take another puff of my nearly finished joint since I love to relish in this sensation.

"Your edible kicking in, too?"

"My... what?" I try to get a grasp on reality.

"We both took an edible like... twenty five minutes ago. " Yoongi stares at me for a moment before bursting out into laughter, "Bro... " He slaps a hand to his forehead, "That means mine is kicking in, too!"

At this point I'm practically seeing the world around me in pixels and frames.

"Wait, so you took an edible? Wait no, we both took edibles and both forgot?"

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