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A week later..

It was midnight. Ishaan was sleeping peacefully on his room. Ishaan heard some sounds making him wake up from his sleep. Ishaan rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands. He looked beside and saw nobody was there. He roamed his eyes all over the dark room and found darkness. He sat straight and lifting his hands towards the night stand and switched on the lights.

"Happy birthday Ishaan!" Vihaan,  Jhanvi, Lakshmi and Vaibhav was standing there with a happy smile on their face.

Ishaan smiled at them and got down from the bed.

"Come cut the cake." Lakshmi said.

Ishaan cut the cake and fed everyone. Everyone did the same to him.

"Gift distribution is tomorrow. Now go to sleep." Lakshmi said and every one came out of their room.

Jhanvi closed the door of the room and came back to him. Ishaan looked at her.

"Happy birthday Ishaan," she said kissing his cheek.

"Thankyou." He replied with a smile.

"Wait here." Jhanvi said and ran to the wardrobe.

Ishaan sat there confused still waiting for her. Jhanvi came back with a small box in her hand.

"What is this?" He asked.

"Open it." She said.

Ishaan knitted his eyebrows at first and opened it.

Ishaan knitted his eyebrows at first and opened it

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[Inside the box]

Jhanvi took his hands in her's. Ishaan looked at her and waited for her to say. She looked straight into his eyes, so did he.

"Ishaan, I'm scared of this weapons, clash sounds, conflicts everything. I've seen in movies about these Mafia, Criminals etc. I've never witnessed them. But the fate made me the wife of a Mafia. I wasn't ready to accept at all, at first. I was frightened, Ishaan. Of you. Frightened of you. But now I'm accepting everything. I know being the wife of a Mafia, I can expect anything at anytime. But I feel safe and comfortable with you, now. I love you. I want to hide in your arms, I want to be with you, Ishaan. I agree I said those were make you calm at that time. Now I really mean it. But the only thing which makes my stomach twist is about you. What will happen to you? The fear makes me sick. Be safe. I want to hold your hands like this forever. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, holding hands like this." Jhanvi said, while the tears rolled down from her eyes.

"This the best birthday of my life." Ishaan said wiping her tears and kissed her forehead.

Jhanvi smiled.

"Thank you for this gift." He said smiling.

"Wear this." Jhanvi said excitedly.

"Help me, please." Ishaan said.

~ 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 ~ (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora