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"Where's the weapons?" Seungkwan asked he rummaged through their luggages.

"I thought you had it" Chan furrowed his eyebrows as he put on a black tshirt.

"No, I had it when we left the airport. When we arrived here at the hotel I told you to hold it"

"Well, I haven't hold a bag of weapons on our way up"

Seungkwan groaned. "Oh c'mon, Lee Chan"

"Chill, it probably got mixed up with the Enha boys' luggages" Chan said, standing up. "I'll go check" Just as he opened the door, Jungwon stood there, smiling sheepishly while holding a familiar bag.

"See? Told ʼya" Chan chuckled as Seungkwan appeared behind the maknae.

Jungwon nervously smiled. "Jay hyung thought it was our new ones until he saw the “l.dk” initials on them"

"Yep, that's ours alright" Chan said as Jungwon handed the bag over to him.

"Seokmin hyung signs his weapons just like how a painter signs his painting" Seungkwan said.

"Oh" Jungwon said, amazed by the fact.

"By the way" Seungkwan paused as Chan already went back inside their room, leaving him and Jungwon alone at the door. "What's with you and Jay? You guys dating or something?"

Jungwon blushed. "O-Oh uh, no. Well yeah....but no" He stammered.

Seungkwan tilted his head.

Jungwon cleared his throat. "I mean, he's courting me at the moment so it's not official yet"

"Aww, that's so sweet" Seungkwan smiled. "Me and Sol didn't need to have the courting phase because damn, Hansol was already set to marrying me" He laughed at the memory.

Jungwon chuckled.

"Well, goodluck on you guys" He ruffled the younger's hair.

The Enhypen leader bowed as he left, and Seungkwan closed the door.

"Well that was something" Seungkwan muttered as he saw Chan putting all the weapons carefully on the bed.

He leaned against the wall just as Chan's eyes darkened.

"There's one missing"

Seungkwan smirked. "I think I know who took it"


Just as the elevator doors closed, Jungwon smirked as he pulled out a small dagger. "Now we're talking"


"Let him be. One missing dagger won't ruin the mission" Seungkwan said.

Chan sighed in defeat as he began putting the weapons back.


"Hello? This is Agent Dino and Agent BS98—"

A cough.

"A-Ah, I mean Agent Boo98. We are now located in the targeted location"

A beep from the other line. "The treasure is hidden under the museum, find the building's basement and pass through there. It'll be easy to find it from there"

"Copy that" Chan replied.

"Leehan is actually doing pretty well with this thing" Seungkwan chuckled.

"I know right, I heard this is his first time" Chan said, as he straightened his clothes. "So, how are we going with this? The casual or the rich?"

"The casual, obviously" Seungkwan side-eyed the younger.

"Alright, let's go"

The two walked out from the shadows as Seungkwan put on his shades that matches with his outfit.

Chan wrapped an arm around Seungkwan's shoulder while the other immediately pushed it off.

"Act naturally would ʼya? We don't wanna draw attention to ourselves"

"Right" Chan rolled his eyes as the two climb the stairs that lead to the entrance of the museum.

A bodyguard stood in front of the door as Seungkwan showed two tickets.

The bodyguard then opened the door for them. "Enjoy the museum"

The two smiled as they entered the place.


"No! You can't make me!" Beomgyu stick his tongue out before literally jumping off the rest of stairs as he ran for his life.

Yeonjun sighed as he made it down the stairs with a heavy breath. "Yah! Don't make this hard for me Choi Beomgyu!!"

Soobin came behind Yeonjun. "Where'd he disappeared to?"

"What I'm guessing, to the elevator" Yeonjun sighed as he sat on the staircase. He ruffled his hair aggressively.

Soobin scratched his head as he sat beside the older. "I don't why he's so against to partner up with Heeseung. I thought they're practically partners in crime by now"

"I don't know" Yeonjun groaned. He leaned his head against the wall sideways when suddenly a thought came to him.

He perked up. "Yah, I just thought of something"

The leader tilted his head. "What?"

"Remember last Wednesday? When Beomgyu and Heeseung went to a mission in Anyang"

"Yeah. What's the connection?"

"Didn't Beomgyu say a particular male tagged along with them?"

"Mhm, so?"

"Which means that particular male knows what happened"

Soobin gasped, eyes wide in realization. "Oh right!! Yeonjun you're a genius I could kiss you!"

"You would?" Yeonjun asked.

Soobin laughed. "Of course not silly"

The smile on Yeonjun's face faltered.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Soobin immediately became concerned.

"Nothing" The older shook his head. "C'mon let's find Mingyu hyung"

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