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Timeskip >>> April

"LEE JUNG CHAN!!!" Seungkwan's voice boomed throughout the dorm.

"Uh oh, gotta blast" Chan said as he jumped to his feet and ran downstairs. Just as he did, a wild mad Seungkwan came chasing him down.

Few minutes later Chan was heard screaming for help.

"I'll go stop them" Hansol didn't need to be told as he jogged downstairs.

Just then a sleepy Minghao came into the living room, rubbing his eyes. "It's 7 in the freaking morning, what are they up to?" He muttered.

Jun looked up from his phone. "Good morning baby"

Minghao opened his eyes to see his husband smiling at him. "Babi!" He exclaimed in a cute tone, plopping down beside him before cuddling into his arms.

Jisoo who sat across them chuckled, closing his book for a minute to look at his boyfriend who was supposed to be just laying down on his lap. He sighed. "Seokkie....you said you wouldn't go back to sleep"

The latter stirred but didn't woke up. Jisoo just sighed again and continued reading the book while his other hand stroked the younger's hair.

"OH MY GOD!!" They heard a loud shriek which woke up Seokmin.

"What? Huh?" He yawned. "What's going on?"

"I don't know either" Jisoo mumbled, as he looked up to see Soonyoung rushing down the stairs.

"You guys won't believe I just saw!!" He exclaimed with wide eyes.

"What have you found this time Soons?" Seungcheol asked, coming out from the kitchen.

"It's Chan's phone!"

"Hyung, you know better than to snoop around Chan's things—"

"I wasn't snooping" Soonyoung corrected Minghao. "Me and Hoon just happened to pass by his bedroom and I heard his phone ringing. I got a tad curious so I got in and checked his phone to see who called"

"I think I know where this is going" Jeonghan's voice (who was listening all along) echoed inside the kitchen.

"What's the name?" Jun asked, getting straight to the point.

"Nothing" Jihoon answered as he went down, stopping by the end of the stairs. "It's just a heart emoji" He said.

"Where's his phone now?" Seokmin asked.

"Back to where it was. We don't want Chan to know we touched his things" Jihoon crossed his arms.

"Heart emoji?" Minghao muttered. "He couldn't possibly have a boyfriend now right?"

"Or a girlfriend!" Jeonghan added.

"We can't be sure" Seungcheol sighed. "Let it be for now"

Just then the door opened and Chan entered with Seungkwan behind him who was held back by Hansol.

"Calm down Boo....." Hansol soothed, rubbing his arms.

"What happened?" Jisoo asked, raising an eyebrow.

Chan smiled sheepishly. "I may or may have not splashed Minghao hyung's paint on Seungkwan's white shoes by accident....."

"You did what?" Minghao widened his eyes. "You used my paint again?!" He stood up.

"I-I was just gonna get a teeny bit" Chan stammered as he slowly backed away before dodging Minghao's grab as he ran through the hallway. Minghao chased after him, cursing at him in Mandarin.

Seungcheol looked at Seungkwan. "Don't worry Kwannie, we can figure something out"

"I hope so. He used Hao hyung's permanent paint" He scowled.

"I think we can work something out" Jun reassured. "For now, I need to stop my husband before he murders Chan" He muttered the last part before running off to find them.

Then, Mingyu and Wonwoo entered who apparently went out.

"Oh? What did we missed?" Mingyu tilted his head, looking at Hansol who still has his hold on Seungkwan and seeing Jun disappear into one of the rooms.

"A lot" Seungcheol sighed.

Wonwoo chuckled. "Well here's something you missed out on"

"What?" Seokmin asked.

"Where'd you think we came from?" Mingyu chuckled as they took off their shoes.

Everyone in the room shrugged.

Wonwoo held up an envelope. "Someone's got a mission"

"Ooh! Solo or group?" Jeonghan asked, now coming in sight.

"Duo apparently" Wonwoo said as he tossed the envelope to their leader.

Seungcheol catched it with swift hands as he opened it.

"To Boo Seungkwan and Lee Chan,"

"Just great" Seungkwan groaned.

Seungcheol could only shake his head with a chuckle.

"You two have been chosen for this mission.

Somewhere in Rome in the country Italy, there is a buried treasure that is said to belong to the Korean Jung Clan"

"That's Chan's family clan, right?" Soonyoung asked.

"It is" Jihoon answered.

"But a mafia boss is planning to find the treasure and use it for his own good. Find the buried treasure and bring it back to Korea where we will return it to its true owner.

Your budget for this mission and your transportation is covered by the company. Wish you the best of luck.

Yours truly,
Min Yoongi"

"It's a treasure hunt!" Seokmin exclaimed.

"Is it just me or have you guys noticed that it's only Yoongi hyung that's writing us missions nowadays?" Mingyu asked.

"What can we say, Yoongi is the only left here while the other BTS hyungs are in military" Hansol said.

"Oh right, his shoulder injury right?" Seokmin said.

Seungcheol nodded, just as a sudden thought came in. "About the military enlistment......"

All eyes turned to him.

"I'm gonna be exempted from it as well"

"What?!" Jeonghan yelled. "First Jisoo can't enlist since he isn't Korean,"

"I am Korean but my civilization is American" Jisoo corrected.

"And then your exempted as well!" Jeonghan exclaimed but then his eyes soften. "Does it hurt that badly?"

Seungcheol bit his lip. "It still hurts time to time"

"Guess I'm enlisting alone huh?" Jeonghan smiled sadly.

"We'll follow behind hyung, don't worry" Soonyoung reassured.

"Guys" Wonwoo cleared his throat. "Back to the mission"

"Oh right" Seungcheol fixed his posture. "Somebody call Chan"

"We're here!" Jun announced, wrapping an arm around Minghao's shoulder while Chan skipped happily past them.

Minghao's eyes glared but Jun squeezed his shoulder.

"You got a mission Chan" Seungcheol said.

"Cool! Am I going solo?"

"Nah, you're gonna need a partner for this mission" Jihoon crossed his arms.

"No problem! Who's my partner?" Chan grinned, excited for the mission.

Jeonghan pointed his finger at the Jeju boy.

Chan's smiled dropped. "Oh f*ck"

"Yeah, “oh f*ck” all right"

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