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"Hyungs! We're here! We're here!" Sunoo exclaimed.

Chan groaned a bit as he opened his eyes realizing they have already landed as the younger ones are already getting ready to go down.

"Seungkwan, wake up" The maknae shook him slightly.

Seungkwan grumbled before fluttering his eyes open as he looked at the window. "We're......." He paused for a yawn. "We're here?"

"Yep. C'mon hyungs!!" Sunoo exclaimed.

The two Seventeen agents got up and began packing their bags, making sure nothing was left behind as they followed behind the Enhypen boys.

"Wow, this is amazing...." Seungkwan exclaimed, immediately pulling out his phone.

Chan chuckled as he made the last step of the stairs and onto solid ground. He breathed deeply. "Damn, the air in Italy is truly something"

Suddenly they heard a loud explosion from afar.

"Oh c'mon! We just got here!" Heeseung complained, whining.


"Rock, papers, scissors, shoot!"

"Damn it"

"Finally!" Mingyu cheered in victory.

Hansol sighed as he looked at the place in front of them.

"C'mon, it'll be fine" Seungcheol reassured.

Hansol took one more glance at the building before nodding. "Okay, let's go" He said as the three of them went in.

The three entered the place as Mingyu and Seungcheol looked at Hansol. The younger sighed as he walked up to the front desk.

"Uhm, excuse me..." Hansol said.

The lady looked up. "Good morning Sir, what can I do for you?" She stood up.

"Well, me and my friends are here to visit a certain someone"

"Oh, I see. May I get the name?"

"Seunghan. Seunghan Wang"

The lady begin typing on the computer. "Hmm, ah yes. Seunghan Wang" She paused. "Oh, unfortunately he is not here"

"Why so?"

"He's been transferred to the city jail just this morning" She replied.

"Oh, it's okay. Do they allow visitors there?"

"Most certainly yes"

"We'll manage it ourselves then. Thank you" Hansol bowed lightly before he turned around and met back with Mingyu and Seungcheol at the glass doors.

"That took you long" Seungcheol said.

"Yeah uh, turns out Seunghan is not here?"

"What?" Mingyu widened his eyes.

"No no" Hansol shook his head. "He's just been transferred at the city jail"

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go"


The three stared intensely at the man before them wearing an orange outfit.

"Believe me, the color doesn't match with me" He huffed.

Seungcheol rose an eyebrow. "Don't tell me this is the news that you told your twin brother to call us to come here to speak with you personally?"

"Mm, could be" The man smirked.

Mingyu crossed his arms. "Cut the bullsh*t Seunghan Wang"

Seunghan's playful expression fell into a serious one. "Yah, I go by Samson now. Seunghan is my Korean name"

"Jackson, Samson" Hansol muttered. "Huh, twins alright"

"I like Seunghan better" Seungcheol said with a teasing smile.

"Same" Mingyu mirrored the older's expression.

"Suit yourself" Seunghan rolled his eyes. "Anyways, about the serious topic" He looked around to see if anyone was listening. He leaned forward and so did the three. "You better watch out for some crimes. A criminal is on the loose"

Mingyu laughed. "Yeah, I think a break out of jail criminal is the least of our worries. I can catch that bastard with my eyes closed"

"Oh don't be so cocky Mingyu-yah" Seunghan said. "He isn't what you think he is"

"He's not?"

Seunghan shook his head. "He's a criminal mastermind. The best of the best. Has escaped prison multiple times. So I wasn't surprised when he's out of bars again"

"This criminal, what's their name?" Seungcheol asked.

"That's another thing. No one knows his identity" Seunghan said. "He goes by the name, “Heather”. I don't know why though but it just is" He shrugged.

"I wish I were Heather~" Hansol sang in a hushed tone.

"Mmm, Conan Gray, a classic"

Mingyu cleared his throat.

"Ah right, sorry" Seunghan reached something out from his pockets. He grabbed Seungcheol's palm and secretly placed it inside.

The leader furrowed his eyebrows as he opened his palm and looked at the item.

"A.....key?" Seungcheol furrowed his eyebrows.

"Trust me, you'll need it" Seunghan reassured.

Suddenly a guard approached their table. "Alright, visiting hours are over"

Hansol looked at the window. "It's still the afternoon"

"We only allow visiting hours in the ʼtill 3"

"Well, gotta go fellas" Seunghan stood up. "Nice catching up with you"

"Yeah, you too" Mingyu nodded.

The guard turned him around but Seunghan had one more minute to turn his head back. 'Goodluck on the mission' He mouthed before the guard pushed him out of the room.

Seungcheol looked at the key one last time before keeping it safe in his pocket.

"Let's go home. We've had enough information for today"

"I wonder how's Seungkwan and Chan's mission coming along" Hansol muttered as the trio left the place.

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