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I glanced at time hoping to end this last lecture as soon as possible. I've never been this impatient but right now, tapping my foot under the bench and impatiently waiting to end these last few minutes, I was fidgeting with my fingers while listening to the last lecture on information architecture. This is my last year. After two months I'll finally graduate as a UX designer. I can't say I'm good at studies but neither am I bad.

But for the last few days, I've been facing a messed up schedule. I'm trying to focus on my studies but something is diverting me. It's annoying and I'm not even able to help it.

Sensing my impatient and avid behavior Khushali passed me a look, I sheepishly smiled at her knowing very well how much she knew me. Again, not paying attention to the lecture I again lost myself in my thoughts. It's been more than a week. I confessed something that I might regret later in the future but till now I'm not regretting anything. Or maybe I'm just trying to make myself believe that I don't regret it. Don't know but somewhere his silence made me feel upset, I don't want to show it either. I wanted an instant answer from him but I assumed something for us which only my brain assumed.

For a girl like me, who has never felt these unknown emotions before, it is not easy to comprehend my feelings. I just express what I feel or think. We share a really good bond and I'm okay with it. But, Something was stinging inside my chest, maybe the thought of his rejection or denial, and on top of that, he didn't say anything.

Finally, the lecture ended, I abruptly kept my things inside my bag and stood up to leave only to get hold back from Khush.

“At Least wait for me, Akku”, she blew, I nodded hastily.

We were about to reach our college gate but Khushaali suddenly stopped me and scanning me carefully she questioned,

“What's wrong with you Aakriti? Nowadays you're behaving weirdly, you don't even pay attention to lectures.”, I squinted my brows and looked down to make some answers to her.

“I'm normal, nothing has happened to me”, I let out while turning my gaze off to her, She looked at me with a scowl and said something which skipped my beat,

“So you're liking him?”, how does she know? My eyes widened, I gasped and tried to deny it.

“You know Aakriti, your face doesn't match your intentions”, what?? I was puzzled as I passed a confused look to her.

“What intentions?”, bellowed hastily.

“Don’t act like this Aakriti, I know something is wrong with you, You're hiding something from me” she pondered as disappointment lingered in her tone.

“Why would I do that, there is nothing like you think”, I tried to explain to her.

“So now you don't want to share anything with me ?” she blew, her gaze met with  mine, gently putting my hand on her shoulder,

“Khush listen…”, I was about to clear her doubt but my phone rang flashing his caller ID I snapped out of the moment. I smiled internally knowing he was waiting for me but returning to  a serious composure I accepted the call,


Kriti? Where are you?”He inquired from the other side of the call.

“Just Five minutes, I'm coming”, I informed him, and he hummed in return. I kept the phone inside my pocket and turned my focus on Khush, who was passing me with grumpy looks.


“No, we will talk some other day, You may go”, she let out a sigh and shrugged her shoulders. I was in an enigma, whether to say anything or leave, because I, Myself, was feeling the changes in my behavior from the past few days.

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