
281 15 43

I want to Thank You all for liking my story. I started to write as felt there was no story that was similar to it. Your votes and comments really encouraged and helped me to write.

I wanted to end this story like this as it was different from others. After reading your comments, realised you may not like how it ended. Please see below options and share your votes or comments, then I will start writing the story

1. Continue with the story till they are not married and have 2 -3 more updates

2. Write a sequel, include their wedding and maybe Rajveer comes back to the army

3. New story on Naina Rajveer, they met after years with complex emotions but dark. It won't be negative

4. New story on Naina and Rajveer but not related to army

5. Gunny and Naina after both lost their love and Rajveer could be there

6. Naina and Rajveer after mentorship

7. Naina after Rajveer death met someone

Waiting for your votes


Thanks for sharing your votes and comments. Most of you wanted me to complete this story and then with Naina and Rajveer after mentorship. It will take some time as have not started writing on this. I will share an update once first update is ready

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