Everything i dreamt of

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Everything i dreamt of was just there.....standing patiently as if it was waiting for me to come and claim but it never happened.

Even before i could grab it, it crumbled on my fingertips in front of my eyes and i was just standing there unable to move as I watched as absurdity unfolds.

But when did I even dreamt?

Sometimes i feel like I'm standing on the pedestal naked while the world gwake at me with its sinister eyes berating me with it's all might.

Sometimes I break myself out and speak the words caged in my throat and join the laughter as the world laughs it off and i tag along.

Sometimes I just hate myself as my choices weigh down on my path deteriorating everything in the process

But when did I ever sad?

But sometimes i think, am I really like this in real life or do these words emerge from sick fantasies of mine?

Sometimes I am not me on paper.

CHASING ( BLUES )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя